Example sentences of "did not come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the board 's decision did not come without conditions .
2 Zbigniew did not come off the boat .
3 Britain 's world role did not come on the cheap and Gladstone would never realize his dearest ambition , to abolish the income tax .
4 Not a bit what Owen had in mind , but since the unions had neither the resources nor the will to use them , the revolution did not come at all .
5 The third bokra was a Friday , the Muslim holy day , when the labourers did not come at all .
6 He did not come in the dawning , he did not come at noon ; And out of the tawny sunset , before the rise o " the moon , when the road was a gypsy 's ribbon , looping the purple moor , A red-coat troop came marching
7 He did not come at noon .
8 Kark Weschke , at the Redfern Gallery , is Expressionist in a more orthodox fashion — not surprisingly , since he was born in Germany in 1925 and did not come to England until 1948 .
9 Tiriac is still miffed that the ATP final did not come to Stuttgart : ‘ The ATP told me to join the auction , but I am too good to have to do that . ’
10 But unlike them she did not come to office during a wartime emergency nor head a coalition government .
11 ‘ Still , you know you 're welcome , ’ she smiled and left him and he was not surprised when she did not come to the post office the next evening or the evening after .
12 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
13 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
14 JANUARY 1st dawned in Czechoslovakia and the world did not come to an end .
15 For when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
16 Instead , whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant , and whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve , and to give his life as a ransom for many ’ ' ( Matthew 20:25–28 ) .
17 Carey addressed the wealthy directly , quoting Jesus ' parable about the sorting of the goats ( the wealthy ) from the sheep ( the poor ) in St Matthew 's gospel : ‘ The curse is upon you … for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
18 The swop did not come to light until Arlena , who suffered from a congenital heart defect , had to undergo surgery .
19 There was talk of some grandeur in the English past and some evidence of middle-class money which did not come to the aid of Philip .
20 Reconquest would take time , in particular if diplomacy did not come to their help .
21 John of Anagni threatened to lay an interdict on France if Philip did not come to terms with Henry , but Philip was unmoved and observed that the legate 's money bags were obviously full of English silver .
22 He did not come to her bed that night , nor for many nights after .
23 The case did not come to trial until 1963 .
24 ( 4 ) The limiting words ‘ in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown ’ leave the court free to order a witness to give evidence notwithstanding that at the relevant time he was an officer or servant of the Crown , if the matters in respect of which he is to give evidence did not come to his notice in that capacity , for example , the civil servant who , when on holiday or at home , happens to witness a road traffic accident .
25 The proceedings did not come to the defendant 's notice until after she returned from the United States .
26 Here D 's revocation did not come to the notice of the offeree , so the offeree 's acceptance of the offer was valid , and D is liable on the contract . ’
27 It did not come to his mind to murder any of them ; it was not his way , or the way he had been raised , to take life in cold blood , without a formal challenge or warning , without the necessary ritual preparation for combat and maybe death .
28 ( David Rockefellers older brother Nelson , who had recently died , had been almost a friend of the Shah ) Would either of them fly to Morocco and tell the Shah that the US government preferred that he did not come to America right now ?
29 While encouraging westernized intelligentsias , he did not come to terms with their nationalisms , whether he was lecturing in South Africa ( 1949 ) , advising on local government in Tanganyika ( 1950 ) , observing the Seretse Khama [ q.v. ] affair in Bechuanaland ( 1951 ) , or surveying the possibilities for a Central African Federation ( 1952 ) .
30 If men trained in the learned profession did not , perhaps , scale such heights in the later sixteenth century , at the same time the crossing of career lines did not come to a halt .
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