Example sentences of "did not usually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When task allocation was a common way of organising care , a nurse did not usually progress from one task to another until the sister judged that she was competent to do so .
2 As there was no effective treatment , the asylums were more custodial than therapeutic and did not usually cater for investigation and research .
3 In the sixteenth century the word ‘ empire ’ did not usually refer to a state with transoceanic possessions of this sort .
4 If battles , in themselves , did not usually lead to the achievements of such goals , what would ?
5 This did not usually involve medication as the following interviewee 's experience of Detention Centre illustrates :
6 If most experiences were nonveridical — or , to put it another way , if seeing did not usually justify believing — we probably would not survive for long .
7 She wanted to open the windows in the bedrooms , which she did not usually do , and opened their bedroom door .
8 Mary did not like her , but that was not surprising , because she did not usually like people .
9 ‘ My husband did not usually discuss the negotiations for Ruggiero Miletti 's release with me , but on one occasion about a month ago , while we were having dinner … . ’
10 Neither did the very many railwaymen who were concerned with passengers , nor , since the canal companies did not usually operate as carriers , did they employ anything like the same number of men in handling freight .
11 Our own recording efforts were concentrated on species , and we did not usually attempt to record vegetation .
12 It did not usually occur to the client that DPR might be prospering from his losses .
13 Apart from the Quakers , and sometimes the Roman Catholics , the Old Dissenting sects did not usually object to the baptism , marriage and burial services of the Established Church and therefore Dissenters appear in Church of England registers like anyone else .
14 ‘ Servant ’ seemed too coarse a word for such a refined creature and indeed she made it plain that she did not usually inhabit a servants ' hall .
15 Mr Utterson did not usually ask anyone for advice .
16 By the 1890s the wives of skilled men did not usually work , for the ability to keep a wife had become a measure of working class male respectability .
17 Intercourse did not usually take place until marriage was promised , and marriage failed to take place usually because of job difficulties on the part of the man .
18 The compensatory factor was that old-school professionals did not usually have their own transport and many a signature was cajoled out of them on their way to nearest railway station or tram or bus stop .
19 It is perhaps worth making the point ( for readers who are just beginning their enquiries into the history of this period ) that a lord did not usually own all the land on his manor but had certain defined rights , which differed from place to place and even between neighbouring settlements .
20 People did not usually describe themselves as servants ( clients did not , nor did government employees ) .
21 The man did n't usually comment , but this time , after a pause , pouring himself another cup , he said :
22 But then she did n't usually sleep so soundly out of doors , and she put her reactions down to recent stress .
23 He looked tired , which he did n't usually do .
24 That surprised me since we did n't usually do things together .
25 Meredith was disconcerted by his unsmiling reaction because people did n't usually stay immune to her friendly warmth .
26 You often had to wait here while the Edinburgh trains came and went , but the delay did n't usually last this long .
27 He did n't usually think of Margaret so much when he was away , but the whole thing had him on edge .
28 She did n't usually repeat herself , but apprehension was numbing her brain , making her stupid .
29 It did n't usually matter because there was always the alternative of going back to where we started and tighten the game up ’ .
30 Although she was a widow , she did n't usually wear black .
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