Example sentences of "did [adv] come to " in BNC.

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1 Kark Weschke , at the Redfern Gallery , is Expressionist in a more orthodox fashion — not surprisingly , since he was born in Germany in 1925 and did not come to England until 1948 .
2 Tiriac is still miffed that the ATP final did not come to Stuttgart : ‘ The ATP told me to join the auction , but I am too good to have to do that . ’
3 But unlike them she did not come to office during a wartime emergency nor head a coalition government .
4 ‘ Still , you know you 're welcome , ’ she smiled and left him and he was not surprised when she did not come to the post office the next evening or the evening after .
5 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
6 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
7 JANUARY 1st dawned in Czechoslovakia and the world did not come to an end .
8 For when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
9 Instead , whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant , and whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve , and to give his life as a ransom for many ’ ' ( Matthew 20:25–28 ) .
10 Carey addressed the wealthy directly , quoting Jesus ' parable about the sorting of the goats ( the wealthy ) from the sheep ( the poor ) in St Matthew 's gospel : ‘ The curse is upon you … for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
11 The swop did not come to light until Arlena , who suffered from a congenital heart defect , had to undergo surgery .
12 There was talk of some grandeur in the English past and some evidence of middle-class money which did not come to the aid of Philip .
13 Reconquest would take time , in particular if diplomacy did not come to their help .
14 John of Anagni threatened to lay an interdict on France if Philip did not come to terms with Henry , but Philip was unmoved and observed that the legate 's money bags were obviously full of English silver .
15 He did not come to her bed that night , nor for many nights after .
16 The case did not come to trial until 1963 .
17 ( 4 ) The limiting words ‘ in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown ’ leave the court free to order a witness to give evidence notwithstanding that at the relevant time he was an officer or servant of the Crown , if the matters in respect of which he is to give evidence did not come to his notice in that capacity , for example , the civil servant who , when on holiday or at home , happens to witness a road traffic accident .
18 The proceedings did not come to the defendant 's notice until after she returned from the United States .
19 Here D 's revocation did not come to the notice of the offeree , so the offeree 's acceptance of the offer was valid , and D is liable on the contract . ’
20 It did not come to his mind to murder any of them ; it was not his way , or the way he had been raised , to take life in cold blood , without a formal challenge or warning , without the necessary ritual preparation for combat and maybe death .
21 ( David Rockefellers older brother Nelson , who had recently died , had been almost a friend of the Shah ) Would either of them fly to Morocco and tell the Shah that the US government preferred that he did not come to America right now ?
22 While encouraging westernized intelligentsias , he did not come to terms with their nationalisms , whether he was lecturing in South Africa ( 1949 ) , advising on local government in Tanganyika ( 1950 ) , observing the Seretse Khama [ q.v. ] affair in Bechuanaland ( 1951 ) , or surveying the possibilities for a Central African Federation ( 1952 ) .
23 If men trained in the learned profession did not , perhaps , scale such heights in the later sixteenth century , at the same time the crossing of career lines did not come to a halt .
24 Sad to relate , they did not come to Northern Ireland at all !
25 It did not come to much : but it was perhaps essential before Britain obtained major allies to believe that somehow a revolutionary movement could be incited to grow in occupied Europe .
26 They had passed out as a result of the good time had by all and did not come to until the evening .
27 It is quite unlike the Trojan origin which may already have been attributed to the Franks as a result of imperial diplomacy , and suggests that the Merovingian dynasty did not come to the fore as a result of its connections with Rome .
28 A newsletter writer of August 1692 complained that it was impossible to distinguish between those who did not come to church because they were attending conventicles and those who did not worship God at all , and he predicted the result would be the downfall of the Church of England followed by the triumph of popery .
29 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
30 The three did not come to trial until last week when they were each imprisoned for four years .
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