Example sentences of "more frequently [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I use the Park both for walking and as a motorist , but more frequently for cycling , and I write on behalf of ‘ Spokes ’ and Edinburgh cyclists in general .
2 The group of coal miners in this study complained more frequently of anorexia and weight loss , had a higher prevalence of previous gastric surgery , and included a higher proportion of smokers than an age and sex matched group of men from the general population .
3 In the iterative mode there is an imbalance whereby an event occurring only once is narrated several times or , much more frequently in literature , an event occurring frequently or repeatedly is narrated only once .
4 The patient gets better after each dose but requires it more and more frequently in order to sustain the benefit .
5 The referred woman 's wishes were , however , considered more frequently in GP ( 78 per cent ) than other referrals ( 63 per cent ) .
6 Placing the three kinds of power in a matrix with the three kinds of involvement produces nine types of compliance , three of which are found more frequently in practice than the other six because they constitute congruent relationships : alientative/coercive ( e.g. prisons ) ; remunerative/calculative ( e.g. firms ) ; normative/moral ( e.g. political parties ) .
7 Cytomegalovirus was the only agent detected more frequently in homosexual compared wth non-homosexual patients .
8 The longterm results are impaired , however , by turmoral overgrowth or more frequently by ingrowth through the metallic mesh into the stent , resulting in recurrent jaundice or cholangitis .
9 Large rectal contractions ( pressure rise >20 cmH 2 O persisting for 10 seconds or longer ) were seen significantly more frequently throughout ramp rectal distension in spinal patients ( total number to 200 ml distension , median ; spinal patients v normal subjects : 2 v 0.5 , p<0.01 ) .
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