Example sentences of "more complex than [art] " in BNC.

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1 My aim is only to point out that the situation is more complex than a simple division between ‘ Western monotheism ’ and ‘ Eastern polytheism ’ .
2 The relationships described here are much more complex than a simple retrospective stereotype .
3 It should be stated , however , that what the carers actually said was a good deal more complex than a simple preference for institutional care .
4 Tempo 30 zones need not therefore consist of anything more complex than a set of signs , an arrangement which pays lip-service to safety improvement yet costs little money .
5 Some issues are more complex than a television-style presentation allows .
6 Certain specifications allow the use of High , Expanded , or Extended memory , but MS-DOS 5 leaves you with up to 621K of the original 640K to use and programs that require more than this are more complex than a new PC owner should initially be concerned with .
7 It will become evident that the cell is , in a way , more complex than the embryo .
8 We all worked extremely hard on the project , and the band was really ahead of its time compared to what the heavy metal scene in Washington DC was doing in the early '80s ; we were faster and more complex than the majority of the other outfits in the area .
9 The threat to the breakdown of law and order , which led to the passing of the Public Order Act in 1936 , was more complex than the simplified picture of a battle between fascists and communists for control of the streets which both the BUF press and the Metropolitan Police records tend to convey .
10 The relationship between health rating and gender is rather more complex than the overall rating described above might indicate ( Figure 6.1 ) .
11 It may be that meaning is only a complication and that social science can allow for it by regarding human affairs as simply more complex than the other workings of nature .
12 The second algorithm is necessarily more complex than the first .
13 Most brands , especially in fields other than the packaged goods for which the theory was developed , are potentially far more complex than the USP theory suggests , and a USP approach limits the opportunity for giving the brand a genuine personality .
14 The hatred was enough , answer to the strange , stifling power that Luke Scott had over her , but now a new suspicion preyed on the edges of her consciousness of it , the shadowy suggestion of a conviction that the hatred had its genesis in something darker and more complex than the realities she was calling to mind .
15 The second generation of machines will be much more complex than the first , for it will include machines capable of repairing and even reproducing the first generation !
16 Such an arrangement is potentially much more complex than the existing one .
17 In actual social research such tables are generally more complex than the one illustrated here , often involving " higher " levels of measurement than the simple dichotomous attributes in the example .
18 It must be appreciated that , although the population of the world is about a million times larger than the population of a large village , the model needed to make a reasonable study of some major world trends and problems is not necessarily much larger or more complex than the village model .
19 While this may be " absurd " , there are other hints that the position was more complex than the Encomiast either knew or wanted to admit .
20 These were much more complex than the statistical packages and linear modelling applications of the 1960s .
21 Classroom interaction is even more complex than an interview because of the size of the group and the choices the teacher constantly makes about how to respond to what learners say .
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