Example sentences of "more effective [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 According to research by Which ? magazine , many of the cold medicines on sale are no more effective than rest and lots of water to keep your fluid levels up .
2 The industry believes that research into why some people abuse alcohol and carefully targeted education programmes are more effective than blanket restrictions which apply to the whole population .
3 This is far more effective than brush application .
4 Chest x ray screening , though more costly , is more effective than skin testing .
5 In fact Peasgood suggests , in one of the few surveys which have been carried out in this area , that selection in academic libraries from the ‘ book in hand ’ was found to be no more effective than selection from lists ( effectiveness being measured in terms of subsequent issues ) .
6 Some are more effective than Rayo so it 's unlikely they would want the British system . ’
7 Other contributors say that informal social restraints on drinking are more effective than government control , advertising does not induce excessive drinking , and random breath testing might reduce drink-driving .
8 ‘ For me , sumptuousness of fabric is more effective than importance of shape . ’
9 The latter is also more effective than grassland or moorland at capturing particulates and aerosols from the atmosphere .
10 Evidence that total androgen blockade ( castration plus an androgen antagonist ) is more effective than castration alone has not been confirmed in two other trials .
11 Overall , however , there was a trend for prednisolone to be more effective than fluticasone propionate .
12 Only as late as 1918 was it established — by a woman doctor — that the juice of lemons is more than twice as rich in anti-scorbutic vitamins as that of the lime , for long thought to be as or more effective than lemon juice in the prevention of scurvy .
13 The effect that this current has on the rest of the dendrite , and hence in due course the cell body , depends very much on the geometry of the region around the synapse ; biophysical calculations show that spine synapses are more effective than shaft synapses in spreading the current , and in any given spine , the current flow is dependent on its exact shape .
14 She had convinced him that sometimes diplomacy was more effective than force , that anger must sometimes be tamed , and that the sword was not the clinching argument of peace .
15 If anything can be shown , it would appear that probation is more effective than prison in reducing the risk of further offending .
16 It is interesting to observe that Kuo found that the slide presentation of visual material was more effective than television presentation of the same material .
17 Having commented on the perceived need for information-giving experienced by staff , patients and relatives , it is interesting to note some recent work which shows that facilitating certain strategies for coping during stressful procedures is more effective than information per se for reducing signs of distress .
18 In this characteristically elusive passage it is not clear whether Marx means that the social relations of a smallholding peasantry make it easy to tax them ( ‘ Taxes are the source of life for the bureaucracy ’ ) or control them and therefore the bulk of society — uniform and routine administration being more effective than administration requiring flexibility , discretion , decentralization , and so on .
19 However , saying that dialogue was more effective than pressure , the Chinese Foreign Minister , Qian Qichen , warned against pressuring North Korea " into a corner " .
20 In the 1970s a series of controlled trials compared the drug with other neuroleptics , and whereas no other drug has ever been shown to be more effective than chlorpromazine ( Largactil ) , clozapine was found to be so in six out of thirteen studies .
21 We believe that these grants would be more effective if responsibility was transferred to those Departments which can make best use of the money .
22 More effective if blackout available .
23 This sort of scheme will be even more effective when credit transfer arrangements are in place , when the vocational and academic routes are intertwined , and when issues of perceived different status as between tracks are resolved .
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