Example sentences of "more [adv] [prep] chapter " in BNC.

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1 One of the earlier attempts to account for this residual precession was by the astronomer Le Verrier , to whom I shall introduce you more properly in Chapter 13 .
2 The role of schema consistency in memory research will be considered more extensively in Chapter 5 .
3 These notes of notes we are calling , in the vulgar tongue , swot cards ; they are referred to more particularly in chapter 7 .
4 Dosing equipment : This is dealt with more fully in Chapter 4 but , as far as the effect on the product is concerned , it is important to have equipment that can be finely adjusted , that delivers an accurate and consistent dose of chemical and is reliable .
5 Two key classes of molecules are nucleic acids and proteins which will be described much more fully in Chapter 5 and can be largely ignored for the present .
6 It is discussed more fully in Chapter 9 .
7 The new membership scheme for bureau membership of NACAB , described more fully in Chapter 7 , recommends among its clauses that management committee members undergo training .
8 It is argued that the law is selectively enforced in the interests of the ruling classes — an issue dealt with more fully in Chapter 4 .
9 ( Local government reform in Northern Ireland is discussed more fully in Chapter 2 , section 2.3 .
10 The question of the efficacy of psychiatric intervention is discussed more fully in Chapter 10 .
11 These symptoms , often known collectively as hyperactivity or the hyperkinetic syndrome are dealt with more fully in Chapter Eleven .
12 Some doctors call them ‘ universal reactors ’ , and they will be discussed more fully in Chapter Nine .
13 The outdoor sand pit may include many of the activities already described and is dealt with more fully in chapter 9 Outdoor Activities .
14 Financial problems are examined more fully in Chapter 5 but as each individual case is different the visits suggested above should be carefully considered .
15 And , as I shall explain more fully in Chapter 2 , it is quite possible to ensure that they do not suffer in any way at all , whether mentally , physically or emotionally .
16 Shot lengths are discussed more fully in Chapter 7 .
17 The complexities of this network must be understood , and will be explained more fully in Chapter 7 together with suggestions on ways social workers may help to sustain or develop such a network .
18 As described more fully in Chapter 6 , the social worker has somehow to avoid becoming part of the problem , by being identified in the client 's eyes as ganging up with neighbours and family .
19 I shall deal with it more fully in chapter 5 .
20 Rather than speculate on this increase here , the reasons for female involvement in heroin use will be examined more fully in Chapter 4 .
21 This concept of dominant values will be discussed more fully in Chapter 10 ; here we can simply note the role of such values in securing the acquiescence of the subordinate and less privileged members of society .
22 A wide range of differences in attitude and life-style are associated with these objective economic differences between middle and working class , and these are examined more fully in Chapter 3 .
23 This issue constitutes an important aspect of the design of integrated systems , and one that is discussed more fully in Chapter Seven .
24 This problem , from another viewpoint , is discussed more fully in Chapter 3 .
25 In the social status dimension , of course , the network model is also explanatory , as different status levels in society are normally characterized by different degrees of network density and multiplexity ( we shall discuss this more fully in chapter 7 ) .
26 This will be discussed more fully in chapter 8 , but essentially , the reorganization of schools , health and social services has led to a closure of many local service outlets .
27 These doubts will be considered more fully in Chapter 9 but they also raise the prospect of a radically different future .
28 In spite of the fact that a national land use classification has been produced ( DOE , 1975 ) it is very unlikely that the future will be any better than the present , and that national land use statistics will continue to be ( Dickinson and Shaw , 1978 , 299 ) * Both are discussed more fully in Chapter 2 .
29 Overall , however , the single most critical role in the provision of a mental health service to an individual is , or should be , the case manager or care manager , as was discussed more fully in Chapter 6 .
30 The background and implications of this are discussed more fully in Chapter 7 .
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