Example sentences of "than [art] simple [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We should say that this is a more sophisticated design than the simple unit we published and is available by mail order for an inclusive price of £39.95 .
2 It is a more sophisticated account than the simple trait and style theories that we began our account with .
3 But two other factors were more important than the simple diversity of organisations .
4 Although the Gnostics claimed to offer a higher knowledge than the simple faith of the church , their teachings were highly mythological and encountered an opposition , no less vehement than that of the church , from the late pagan Platonists , such as Plotinus ( mid-third century ) and his successors .
5 Even rape seems to be more respectable — more ‘ normal ’ — than the simple act of enjoying fine silks and satins next to one 's skin .
6 " Slips " can occur at any time in recovery , even after many years or decades and can be much more distressing than the simple term implies .
7 The dominance hierarchies of primates are often more complex , overlapping networks , rather than the simple ladder of the hen hierarchy .
8 Times have changed — and got greener — so that some typical decorations like coral are no longer acceptable , while style and fashion has made a good-looking living picture in your lounge far more important than the simple challenge of keeping pet fish alive .
9 What all this shows is that a distinctively structuralist kind of criticism is possible , and moreover , that it is more than the simple application and refinement of the tools of poetics .
10 In other words , it could be these unspoken messages which altered the classroom climate sufficiently for girls to do better , rather than the simple fact of them being in a single-sex environment .
11 Health is a much broader and socially defined concept than the simple absence of disease .
12 Early conceptual clarification ( Petch , 1987 ) confirmed both greater diversity than the simple dichotomy and the presence of alternative dimensions , for example decentralization and accountability , which both parallel and cross-cut the organizational debate .
13 One importance of the continuum is that it is a more precise form of categorisation than the simple dichotomy .
14 Consent of the shareholders by ordinary resolution is required , unless the articles permit the board to sanction payments without shareholder approval , or provide that a resolution passed by more than a simple majority of shareholders must be obtained .
15 There would be a concern to clarify the confusion which exists as to the " right " and " proper " principles for the British constitution today and then there would be an attempt to secure them against repeal or amendment except by some specially prescribed procedure that would involve more than a simple majority in the House of Commons .
16 Planning as a local authority responsibility has its origins in the public health and housing policies of the nineteenth century , but from the outset the objectives were broader than a simple emphasis on the efficient use of land .
17 This was more than a simple distillation of the man 's thoughts on the current political situation .
18 My aim is only to point out that the situation is more complex than a simple division between ‘ Western monotheism ’ and ‘ Eastern polytheism ’ .
19 An example from German would be : Because two ( or more ) changes are involved , something more than a simple substitution drill is required for mastering these features .
20 It should be stated , however , that what the carers actually said was a good deal more complex than a simple preference for institutional care .
21 Such futile efforts can only bring something close to contempt and suspicion among the millions of human beings who crave nothing more than a simple faith based on a credible ‘ god ’ .
22 Edward Pilkington writing in the Guardian later commented , ‘ What at first glance appears to be no more than a simple case of human error becomes , at closer examination , as much a story about bungling management and an inadequate safety system born of years of cuts .
23 They are extremely difficult to hand-hold , which means that a mounting must always be carried around , and it should be rather firmer than a simple attachment to a camera tripod , because the binoculars are inevitably heavy .
24 This seems more than a simple displacement of the fear and anxiety with which we contemplate our own old age .
25 One developed into nothing more than a simple ball of cells with no gut at all , the other into a more or less normal larva .
26 Thereafter each quite expensive ball-cum-transmitter was no better than a simple ball .
27 Restrictions on and beliefs about language may be part of the construction of gender rather than a simple reflection of it .
28 However , formulae such as " adjectives precede their nouns " do not take us beyond a very shallow level of linguistic description ; nor is it an improvement to find phrases such as " an attributive adjective " unless the description proceeds in some way to give an account of how a term like attributive may mean something more than a simple statement about formal grouping .
29 This is true whether the story is an epic with a cast of thousands or nothing more elaborate than a simple family situation .
30 It was more than a simple indication of wants , because with a little prodding Bobo was starting to make sentences with a logical construction to them .
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