Example sentences of "than [art] [adj] rate " in BNC.

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1 As this was higher than the average rate over such a period that had been experienced at any historical time , something had to be done .
2 THE SAFETY NET : In the first year of the new system ( 1990–1 ) an area safety net will protect areas in which the community charge ( on the Government 's assumption about spending would otherwise be more than £25 higher than the average rate bill per adult in 1989–1990 ( plus an allowance for inflation ) .
3 This protection is paid for by chargepayers in areas which would otherwise have charges lower than the average rate bill per adult .
4 In the same way , only when the marginal rate of tax is higher than the average rate , will the average rate rise as income rises , and the tax be progressive .
5 The new curve is shown by the dashed line ; and at the previous equilibrium output , , firms are either making less than the normal rate of profit ( if the tax is levied on quasi-rents generated by existing capital ) or are finding that replacement investment ( if the tax is levied on the purchase of capital equipment ) is not profitable .
6 The 200 must be perceived as a refined car , if Rover is to justify charging slightly more than the going rate for its class .
7 Cuts in subsidy forced the nationalized industries to increase prices more than the going rate of inflation and pressure was put on them to restrain borrowing .
8 As was seen in Part I , while some claimants would qualify for the ordinary rate of benefit , others would be eligible for the long-term rate , which for a married couple was valued at 25 per cent higher than the ordinary rate .
9 These increases were significantly more rapid than the general rate of inflation but , as we have argued ( pp. 31–4 , above ) they were entirely desirable .
10 Alternatively , the rate of marine erosion at the base of the cliffs may be less than the general rate of subaerial denudation over the whole cliff .
11 The Treasury hoped that they would be an answer to inappropriate volume targets , and to criticisms that PESC allowed the cash content of public expenditure to rise too fast ; often even faster than the general rate of inflation , since public sector inflation usually exceeded that in the private sector .
12 For the following nine seasons the club has guaranteed not to increase these season ticket prices by more than the annual rate of inflation .
13 The rate multiplier is set each year in England and Wales by central government and can not rise by more than the annual rate of inflation .
14 The University will do its best to avoid large increases and guarantees that for students on course , fees will not rise by an amount larger than the annual rate of academic inflation .
15 Thus after year six , your monthly payments are higher than the standard rate demands .
16 Since some proportion of interest recipients would not be liable for tax , the composite rate is always less than the standard rate .
17 ‘ Looking after ’ their workers most definitely does not mean paying higher than the prevailing rate of wages , but it does imply a genuine concern for their employees ' welfare ( including help with personal and domestic problems ) , the provision of decent housing facilities and frequent individual acts of generosity like small gifts on family birthdays and at Christmas , the allowance of various perquisites and even the provision of occasional ‘ treats ’ like harvest suppers and days out at local agricultural shows .
18 Only when it was discovered that some men , formerly working on the surface , were working in canteens on the lowest male rate — higher than the female rate — did the union begin to campaign for equal pay for the women .
19 Instead of being as high or even higher than the overall rate of self-employment , the rate of self-employment amongst temporary workers is only half that for all workers .
20 the rate of inflation for the health service tends to be higher than the overall rate of inflation .
21 In 1980 the government raised various benefits , including those for the sick and the unemployed , by 5 per cent less than the current rate of inflation , though the abatement was restored in 1983 when the benefits were made subject to tax .
22 Even the ticking-over rate of about 10 pulses per second is probably quite costly , but much less so than the maximum rate of 200 per second .
23 Dr Lee has recently pointed out that although the resources which went into the exporting industries could have been channelled elsewhere , the return would almost certainly have been less : " An eighteenth-century economy without resource to trade would have been smaller , less diversified and must have generated less growth even than the modest rate of increase actually achieved . "
24 This expansion is said to be " inflationary , " meaning that the universe at one time expanded at an increasing rate rather than the decreasing rate that it does today .
25 Fama and MacBeth also found that the intercept ( ) was significantly different from the risk free rate for the entire period and for the first of the sub-periods , which tends to lend support to the zero-beta version of the CAPM rather than the risk-free rate variant .
26 If the risk-free hedge is seen to produce a greater return than the risk-free rate then arbitrage will take place as investors offer to write more calls and so bring down the price of the option .
27 In the last section of this chapter we will examine the attempts that have been made to find out more about the actual extent of crime , and to provide some sort of indication of the ‘ dark figure ’ of crime and to discover the ‘ real ’ rather than the recorded rate and character of crime .
28 There are situations where the reciprocal of a rate would make more sense than the original rate : ergonomists , for example , might find it more natural to look at the time it takes a person to produce a fixed number of items rather than at the output a person produces from a machine in a fixed period of time .
29 It is not always easy to directly compare the interest rates between different lenders because of differences in the way the charges are calculated — a good guide is the APR rather than the basic rate — and always bear in mind the possible arrangement or setting up fees !
30 Relatedly , it afforded the wife no financial privacy ( except by couples opting to be taxed as two single persons , which ‘ paid ’ financially only if the loss of the husband 's allowance could be compensated for by a lower amount of income subject to a tax band higher than the basic rate ) .
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