Example sentences of "than [prep] the west " in BNC.

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1 A report in Nezavisimaya gazeta of April 21 noted that Dudayev appeared to be hoping for support and recognition from the Islamic countries , rather than from the West , which recently had been heavily criticized in his speeches .
2 And as a Warsaw Pact leader they know him more intimately in the Kremlin than in the West .
3 Pollution in such places is claimed to be ten times worse than in the West and the tonnage of sulphur dioxide said to fall every year on the average square kilometre sounds like the equivalent of a heavy snowfall .
4 Gratitude to him has always been greater in the Orthodox churches of the East than in the West , where his domination of the church has often not been regarded as an altogether unmitigated good , at least in its consequences .
5 Here , however , Christians could be found — at least in some areas — in greater concentration than in the West ; socially and culturally they were on a level not very different from their non-Christian peers .
6 Land and building prices are tumbling — far faster even than in the West .
7 The growth of German industry , the flight from the land , the Ostflucht and the ending of serfdom had all broken the bonds of the Prussian feudal system ; had caused a massive upheaval in terms of social and geographical mobility ; had caused a radical change and development in German class- and national consciousness , and had created problems of identity deep within the German consciousness , precisely because they took place much later than in the west European nations .
8 In two months Sussex saw 103 separate incidents , two-thirds of them in the eastern half where the restrictive paternalism of the great landowners was less pervasive than in the west .
9 In Orthodox Europe , mass religion seems to have decayed less than in the west .
10 Even though the ranks of labourers were thinner and the level of wealth higher than in the west , tinning was not unknown in eastern parts , though parishes containing tinners differed little from ones that did not : not only were the former only slightly poorer in East hundred , but in West and Trigg they were actually rather better off .
11 Moreover , within these areas workers were concentrated in large enterprises to a far greater extent than in the West .
12 By some measures incomes are more equally distributed in Japan than in the West , and in ‘ employment income = = Japan 's degree of equality parallels that of some of the socialist countries of Eastern Europe ’ ( Boltho 1975 p.163 ) .
13 In the context of a smoother short-term response to the second oil shock and a higher long-term economic growth path than in the West , there was an acceleration of interest in the notion of Japan 's uniqueness not in the vein of inferiority or economic fragility , but in the context of superiority and independence .
14 Besides , even if the bureaucratic elite is more influential than in the West , their high status as permanent guardians of the national interest is said to be justified by their personal merit .
15 Workers in Japan do tend to have fewer employers in the course of their career than in the West even though the comparison is somewhat distorted because of the concentration of lifetime guarantees in the large firm sector .
16 Labour in Japan does tend to work for fewer employers over a typical career and does therefore tend to stay longer in each firm than in the West , but there are very significant variations depending on age , firm size and gender .
17 With positive inducements to continuous employment in one firm and severe constraints on mobility , it is hardly surprising that Japanese rates of labour turnover are now lower than in the West .
18 In the East there are social problems on a much more basic level than in the West , and these of course are competing with cultural needs .
19 Moreover , large-scale manufacture tended to be concentrated in a few industrial areas , of which St Petersburg , Moscow , and the major cities of Poland , the Ukraine and the South were the most significant , and the plants themselves tended to be markedly larger than in the West .
20 Working hours , averaging almost 60 per week in 1914 , were significantly longer than in the West .
21 No more than in the West , therefore , could the emergence of effective trade unions and moderate political representation for workers have been expected to reconcile the most radical sections of the working class to capitalism .
22 It was , however , looser , more flexible and far less permanent and structured than in the West .
23 Thus there was much more overt politico-military co-operation and integration in the Soviet Union than in the West .
24 Homes are generally colder than in the West , and student dormitories unheated : people habitually wear so many layers of clothing that they look almost round .
25 The divorce rate is very high because women are more independent than in the West .
26 This was especially true in eastern Europe , where many states were larger and central governments usually less effective at the peripheries of their territories than in the west .
27 By the later seventeenth century , therefore , it was clearly becoming the language of diplomacy in general , though perceptibly more slowly in eastern Europe than in the west .
28 Whatever the validity of this theory , there is no doubt that in our period the banks ( and similar institutions ) played a much greater role as developers and directors of industry in Germany , the great industrial newcomer , than in the west .
29 There has been some talk of screening the game at Elland Road , but i 'd prefer to recover from the previous nights over indulgence down at the boozer , rather than in the West Stand .
30 However , the significance of all this is unclear : in the southeastern part of the province there appears to be a greater inter-relationship of designs than in the west .
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