Example sentences of "have been a factor " in BNC.

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1 The company 's satisfaction with labour relations at Bridgend in South Wales must also have been a factor in the decision to build a £750m engine plant there .
2 Migration may have been a factor in the 1920s , though the level of net migration from Britain was somewhat less than it had been in the previous two decades .
3 A clash of personalities must have been a factor , one feels .
4 But , he added , ‘ we could have been a factor in the , failure of Super-SARA .
5 This appeared to be based on the geographical location of their offices , although the structure of the firm may also have been a factor .
6 He also says that high prices and the Northern weather might have been a factor .
7 Both he and Minton had a fascination with Nelson and his association with the island may have been a factor .
8 The immigration of African slaves may have been a factor , as might also a degree of interaction with the aborigines that was missing further north .
9 The source of ivory may well have been a factor in reserving it very largely to symbolic rather than practical use .
10 The military involvement of the northern Angles against the Picts may have been a factor in the success of Wulfhere 's coup in Mercia in 658 or 659 and in the disintegration thereafter of Oswiu 's southern imperium .
11 730 onwards , this could have been a factor in the aggressive policies of Aethelbald in southern England at this time .
12 While there may have been isolated instances which appear to confirm this interpretation ( for example , in 1970 the Soviet Union bought up Costa Rica 's excess of coffee , which may well have been a factor contributing to the establishment of diplomatic relations the following year ) , other such instances have been similarly small-scale and the evidence overall is against it .
13 Such conditions are all too rare today ( works bought for public institutions like the Tate disappear from view for decades together ) , and it must have been a factor in the decision of some artists to give in the first place .
14 This may have been a factor , but the authorities dealing with licensing , aliens and discipline reflect much more a judicial conclusion that the substantive interests at stake were not worthy of procedural protection .
15 It may have been a factor in leading a plaintiff to sue in the county court rather than the High Court when his or her claim lay within its jurisdiction .
16 He lost the protracted litigation with the Queen and this could have been a factor amongst those which persuaded him into treasonable activity later which cost the worthy earl his head !
17 A perceived lack of response may have been a factor in the withdrawal of these patients , but deterioration of eczema was the principal reason for withdrawal in only 8 patients , 7 of whom were assessed at least once on treatment .
18 They also believe that their poor accomodation may have been a factor in loosing the baby .
19 It 's known whether this could have been a factor here in the accident .
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