Example sentences of "could take [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Both there and at Keetmanshoep the Germans built headquarters stations which could take on a new strategic role in time of war .
2 I could take on a Gladiator and probably beat them ! ’ ’
3 Here part-time members could take on a significant role if they were allocated specific monitoring responsibilities and duties , but their current situation and pay militates against that ( Henney , 1984 ) .
4 Perhaps if you do n't want to sell we could take on a joint venture . ’
5 Companies wishing to register on the EC eco-audit scheme will have to lodge an externally verified environmental statement with a competent body and Coles is hoping the IEA could take on the role of approving accredited verifiers .
6 Either way , it was asserted , the cost would approach £350 million and the whole project could take on the same proportions as providing London with its third airport .
7 Not a happy marriage , and not one that could take on the extra burden of a weeping widowed friend .
8 Perhaps the best man could take on the responsibility of arriving before the guests and checking the microphone .
9 I had watched Quintin under pressure during the Suez crisis where he had shown admirable calm at the Admiralty in testing circumstances ; and while I had some misgivings about his famous ‘ judgement ’ I felt that he could take on the leadership and the job of Prime Minister , and make a success of it .
10 But in this case , Everett argued , Guinness Mahon could take up the slack as the company fully expected other investors who had been too slow to meet the deadline to come in .
11 To this end he reintroduced a school of industrial design , sacked the Professor of Painting , Gilbert Spencer , who had advised students not to visit the 1945–6 Picasso and Matisse exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum , appointed the former fashion editor of Vogue , Madge Garland , as the first ever Professor of Fashion and invited Allan Walton , who died before he could take up the post , to head the textile department .
12 We are just completing two major jobs and Conoco 's could take up the slack , ’ he said .
13 A letter was received from Mrs. Hogan of Brighton asking if she could take over a sixteen-year-old blind boy , Arthur B. Her own son had died the previous year at the same age , and she said that she would ‘ do her best to make the lad happy , and find him light work in Brighton ’ .
14 The introduction of the rabbit into Australia offered a classic illustration of how a species could take over a new environment in which there were no natural predators .
15 A Youngman protégé could take over the old boy 's lecturing responsibilities and everything would fit together rather nicely .
16 Foreign labour was cheaper than Libyan , and it was excluded from the benefits of socialist legislation , in particular from the provision that workers could take over the private businesses for which they worked .
17 Alejandro , fed up with Raimundo 's laziness and his exorbitant whining demands , was put in such a good mood when he saw the black eye that he agreed that Perdita could take over the breaking of little Tero .
18 He could take over the Ariadne at any moment and you would n't notice the difference . ’
19 By November 1948 , it was agreed that they could take over the responsibility for progressing work on the manufacture of plant and on-site construction from the Ministries of Supply and Works , and the following year they did so .
20 It is a point at which those who analyse conversation in terms of ‘ turn-taking ’ ( Sacks et al. , 1974 ) would suggest that another speaker could take over the turn .
21 They could take over the duties of nominated bodies , for example those for hospitals and water , and so make these services subject to democratic accountability and , in general , it is argued that they would strengthen popular interest and involvement in public affairs .
22 In this case another usher or bridesmaid could take over the duty of checking the microphone .
23 Owen could take over the transcendentalists ' search for underlying patterns , but , since the relationships were ideal rather than physical , he could follow Cuvier 's refutation of transmutation by emphasizing the gaps between the different forms of vertebrate life .
24 Willie Falconer could take over the No.3 shirt from suspended Jimmy Phillips .
25 She had asked if someone else could take over the responsibility , but no-one was interested , he added .
26 As the time approached for me to concentrate on my matriculation , I decided to offer Charlie the opportunity to buy out my share of the partnership and even arranged for a qualified accountant to replace me in order that they could take over the book-keeping .
27 Celia wished she could take back the words .
28 Each night I could take out the Vitou dog , a fine little white fox terrier called Mitsy .
29 It meant that locals could take out an annual seven-day family membership for just £480 — a mere snip , and that the town school could use the pool once a week , free .
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