Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [prep] order " in BNC.

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1 Bitstream are intending to get round this limitation by getting in league with the various page description language manufacturers and producing real-time fonts through their languages but as none of these are currently delivering we will have to wait in order to judge the result .
2 More will have to go in order to recruit the highly-paid staff from the nuclear industry to look after the nuclear installations ’ inspectorate 's work on Britain 's revived nuclear power programme .
3 Subtract that figure from the score notched up by the weeds and we shall then be in a position to predict the number of traits that an average crop plant would have to acquire in order to become weedy .
4 The duration of this period was determined by what was understood to be the minimum length of time that an unemployed person would have to work In order to reopen rights to unemployment benefits .
5 Over what distance do cells have to communicate in order to establish their position ?
6 Ahead of the Commission 's recommendations , the Law Society has taken steps to guarantee the competence of police station advice given by unqualified staff by producing a scheme which will provide comprehensive training for solicitor 's representatives , followed by a test which they will have to pass in order to continue to be paid for the work by the Legal Aid Board .
7 In the case of non-insulin treated patients the health care objectives which practices will then have to meet in order to qualify for diabetic care payments could be met by prompting structured care as in Islington .
8 Ryan raises one of the questions the movie will have to answer in order to be successful : whether or not creativity gives you a licence to search and destroy .
9 Mr Trippier was one of a number of European government ministers who attended the conference and spoke of their committment to compensate developing countries for the expense they would have to entail in order to avoid adding to an ecological disaster that has been created by industrialised states .
10 The tour was appropriately chaotic , as most rock tours are : their first taste of the twenty-four hour a day , day to day flogging to which they would have to submit in order to compete .
11 At the same time the British leaders , although they soon realized just how much they would have to concede in order to regain American confidence and backing , were largely unshaken in their belief that in Middle Eastern affairs they were the true experts compared with the Americans .
12 But the severe limitations of this technique become clear when account is taken of the conditions which would have to hold in order to render the results accurate .
13 Either the more prudential economies like West Germany and Japan will have to de-regulate — at the cost of still higher real interest rates — or the liberals will have to re-regulate in order to avoid macro-economic retribution .
14 The only system parameters you may have to change in order to run LIFESPAN are VIRTUALPAGECNT , GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES .
15 Before turning to the work of Sayre , Dennett and Sloman , I should at least mention one major question that has been left unasked in this paper , and intentionally so : namely , what properties would a machine have to have in order to be sufficient for us to deem it conscious ?
16 Smith once declared that The Cure would never court pop 's mainstream ; and that the mainstream would have to expand in order to embrace The Cure .
17 We thought we would have to move in order to realise the money locked into our home . ’
18 We could ask , for example : what sort of personal sacrifices might people have to make in order to reduce pollution ?
19 However , with Grobbelaar approaching full fitness after his hamstring injury , and James determined to make his mark at Liverpool , Hooper knows he 'd have to impress in order to keep his place in the team .
20 However , with Grobbelaar approaching full fitness after his hamstring injury , and James determined to make his mark at Liverpool , Hooper knows he 'd have to impress in order to keep his place in the team .
21 The defenders decided to place several artillery places on the river-banks to overlook the road down which the enemy would have to attack in order to get across the liver to lay siege to their objective .
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