Example sentences of "have [art] history of " in BNC.

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1 We are the inheritors of a political culture that does not have a history of mass street action : civil disobedience , yes , but never on the scale of the American civil rights movement .
2 She says : ‘ At the moment , nannies who look after children in their employers ' homes could have a history of the worst child abuse imaginable .
3 Although it seems unlikely , it does have a history of herbal use , being listed in Gerard 's herbal ; " the floures steeped in oil and set in the Sun , are good to anoint the body that is benummed , and growne very cold " .
4 It is worth stressing that Japan does not have a history of fine typography like Europe 's …
5 Does the person have a history of violence , antagonism to ‘ authority ’ , or of mental disturbance associated with irrational feelings of persecution ?
6 The business may have a history of steady growth .
7 The work group in a school may exercise detrimental or divisive pressures , a school may have a history of tolerating poor standards , working conditions may be dispiriting and , after long neglect , may indicate that the manager does not notice or does not care .
8 For example , the cost of buying a component externally may be less than the cost of making the component however , the potential supplier may have a history of poor industrial relations which may jeopardize supplies periodically ; this factor may be significant in the decision to make or buy .
9 ‘ We do n't have a history of twins in the family — and , in any case , there 's a proverb : lightning never strikes twice in the same place , right ? ’
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