Example sentences of "have [art] big [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another thing you will have to do is have a BIG AFFAIR .
2 he can get back to normal he can come home and have a big bit of toast .
3 You did n't have a big breakfast today !
4 Yeah are they gon na have a big assembly where , where like Mr , Mr goes now I 'm sorry there 's
5 I did n't really believe it at first , er , and then I received couple or more phone calls from er various people in the industry who er , who were aware of it and started to congratulate me , and then I realised that it was the truth , that er I really did have a big hit record once again with Blue Velvet .
6 Ca n't we have a big conversation , please , juice and , oh
7 Germany does have a big problem .
8 He is more concerned with the industry-wide slow progress in inter-language communication and believes Oracle could impose one kind of object system that would have a big influence on OO programming languages .
9 THE Robinson family could have a big influence on the outcome of the Armagh senior football championship final on Sunday .
10 er , so I 've a , is n't it , it 's a case of no news is possibly good news again , erm , I 'm trying to get in touch with the National Co-Organiser for Carl and John without er any success erm , I know he was going to the erm , the British Section just erm , he was gon na check on them and what actions were forthcoming but er , I have n't heard about that erm , I dare say there 's some on the way erm , the erm , the other few points were erm Jackie 's talk last month she mentioned that erm she was gon na give sort of the more forms sort of side presentation and stuff at their centre in North London , I 've got ta date for that now , it 's erm the eighteenth of March , which is a Wednesday so eh , I 'll certainly be going , if anybody else is interested that 's er , that 's the date er , it 's , it 's not entirely to do with but it , it has a link in , erm we were mentioning campaigns last month , I believe there 's a fourth coming one on , indigenous peoples , which , er , it 's , it 's all sort of triggered off by erm the er five hundredth anniversary of Columbus discovering the Americas erm , the erm cast and the whole of all the sort of the Region and Action networks and the Americas are , erm gon na have a big link in with that campaign so , erm , I , I 'd really like to see us sort of getting involved with that , yes , and , I mean , I 'll be involved to an extent anyway , cos some of the actions that I 'll getting will be sort of addressing the issue of indigenous people 's but erm , erm , they if , if nobody else is wiling to take it on , I 'll , I 'll , I 'd certainly be prepared to erm , sort of co-ordinate that campaign , erm , having said all that , erm I mentioned to a few people that erm , erm in the process of buying a house , so erm I could be moving in well hopefully as little as two months time so erm , I mean if er is as quite as it has been for the last few months , I probably wo n't have any problems , but erm , sod 's law it 's bound to pick up just as I 'm moving house
11 ‘ They might have a big following , but then so does George Bush .
12 ‘ But they do have a big country to govern . ’
13 I do n't want you to imagine a great big long stalk , you know , but I mean they really do have a big projection from the side of the head in gesophola hetroinura , whereas in the known ancestor of that , gesopholis ulvestris , it 's head is just the same shape as any other sensible fruit fly .
14 Did he have a big balloon in his belly ?
15 We 've got the beating of Venture Capitalist on that run and he 's got the beating of Lochsong so in theory we should have a big chance .
16 Chatam may run for Martin Pipe and if so would have a big chance on the strength of that close second at Leopardstown to subsequent Gold Cup winner Jodami .
17 Oh does he have a big schlong
18 If I could have summat to eat , I 'd have a big bowl of oxtail soup — all hot and steamy .
19 I did n't have a big name in the business as I 'd been concentrating just on working , so I was n't a star and could n't force through any changes .
20 But we used to l I think I can remember going three times and we went on the train and we would have a big label with branch number seven , we were Walsall Wood and we were always told that , you know , you look on the sea front if you get lost , cos you 've got your name and who you belong to on card was all given out .
21 ‘ And you shall have a big lollipop to suck . ’
22 If you are going to buy in France , remember that cultural differences can have a big impact .
23 We did n't have an explosion but we did have a big fire .
24 Special offer on the big jar big jar of co , you would n't have a big jar of coffee .
25 Successful 12 months ago , Sabin du Loir comes here fresh from his Wincanton win over ‘ Dessie ’ , and should have a big fitness pull over the likes of Waterloo Boy , Young Snugfit , and former Champion Hurdler Beech Road all making their seasonal debuts .
26 You 'll have a big room all on your own , yes , a nice big room
27 Well I says to her , I says what , do wo n't they have a big gap ?
28 ‘ You should n't confront anyone who approaches you — they could have a big sword in their bag .
29 Here am I , working for a glamorous journalist in a huge house in Richmond , looking after her brat of a daughter ( four-year-old Charlotte , who has her good moments but is mostly involved in a longstanding game of wear-the-au-pair-to-a-frazzle ) , when my mother needs me just as much to look after her daughter , but does n't have a big house and ca n't afford to pay .
30 Cor , she must have a big fanny
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