Example sentences of "could [vb infin] a lot " in BNC.

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1 That could explain a lot actually See old London 's Burning last night ?
2 If you fit the bill you could earn a lot of money .
3 You could earn a lot of money .
4 The landlord had obviously decided he could make a lot of money out of this rehearsal room lark .
5 Captain America and Billy the Kid had blown it when they believed they could make a lot of money and retire , but life was not simply about economics ; they had , according to Fonda , found their freedom but their liberty was like the statue in New York harbour , surrounded by polluted waters .
6 He realised he could make a lot of money and a name for himself if he were to act swiftly and produce his maps before Green had time to complete his own .
7 If the sport grows over the next 10 years as quickly as it has in the past five , I could make a lot of money . ’
8 ‘ We always figured we could n't afford ads , but we could make a lot of noise ’ , says Miles .
9 He wrote to the managing director of THF 's leisure division , suggesting that the company could make a lot of money by putting the machines into its own outlets .
10 You know I could make a lot more effort than I do .
11 For one thing , it could absorb a lot of expert resources and the policy gains might not outweigh the costs of investigation in many cases : it could also encourage rent-seeking behaviour .
12 Even in Washington , DC , a man could buy a lot with eighteen million dollars . ’
13 And it could prevent a lot of embarrassment to everyone concerned .
14 But he believes that there are developments around the corner that could bring a lot of changes for the better , not least of them , technological changes .
15 in my view thrown off without any reasonable excuse , because I felt that I could bring a lot of expertise to the health authority .
16 He can get away with his accent but he could do a lot to improve his tone .
17 If you want a career that ensures that you will not be bored , will be stretched to your full capacity every day and allows you to be yourself , as well as earn a good salary at a general manager level — £30,000 a year — you could do a lot worse than the hotel and catering industry .
18 She could do a lot worse — 'e 's a good , steady man and 'e 's not given ti strong drink . ’
19 Dr ‘ Lawrence ’ The reward I think is knowing that perhaps you 've done your best for your patients and if the patient at the end of the day says ‘ thank you ’ … [ but ] you could do a lot more given the opportunity and time is the great factor here .
20 After all , the body contains more collagen than any other protein : it should be no surprise that protecting it could do a lot of good .
21 We could do a lot of things but without the finance you just ca n't do it !
22 Aristotle called the kings ‘ hereditary generals ’ and an incompetent or even average king could do a lot of damage in a short while — like Kleombrotos who lost the decisive battle of Leuktra in 371 but was not catastrophically inept .
23 There 's a , you could do a lot worse things that play football !
24 I could do a lot for you , my dear . ’
25 Mind you you could do a lot with that sixpence .
26 Fellows from universities who fought in Spain are being given jobs in Intelligence or Censorship where they could do a lot more damage as traitors than a squaddy like I 'd be .
27 you could do a lot with it
28 I am sure that that former right hon. Member of this House could do a lot to help Northern Ireland by giving us a favourable response in the very near future , as I believe he will .
29 By comparison with the ambitious ideas in the report of the Expert Group in Dublin , both North and South could do a lot better .
30 I must say we could do a lot worse than you .
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