Example sentences of "could [verb] rise [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It raised the more general and important question whether the determination of a statutory tribunal with a limited jurisdiction could give rise to issue estoppel at all , or only to cause of action estoppel ; in other words , whether it could give rise to an estoppel for all purposes or only for the limited purpose for which the jurisdiction to make the determination was conferred .
2 Mr Smith said he feared that opt-out schools could give rise to a two-tier education system .
3 Since the nucleus of a cell in the gut could give rise to a normal toad it is clear that no genetic information had been lost during the development of the gut , and the same holds for the skin nucleus .
4 Yalden & Yalden were able to calculate correction factors which could take this differential loss into account , but clearly this could give rise to problems in interpreting predator assemblages .
5 For example , posing the question ‘ What happens if the stationery replenishment procedure fails ? ’ could give rise to a variety of answers .
6 An uncontentious view could give rise to a conceptual model ( Fig 13.8 ) that reflects the actual procedures followed , based on the transformation :
7 It is to be hoped that in the course of time the word ‘ fear ’ used in the context of the foregoing will be abandoned in favour of the word ‘ foreboding ’ , for the conscience , once properly developed should give warning rather than frighten , and therefore enable the individual to avoid that which could give rise to real fear .
8 And yet , if a circle of blisters caused by the plague could give rise to a Ring-A-Ring-O'-Roses , and the famous Dick Whittington cat was not introduced until about 150 years after Dick died , why should embellishment through the ages not have taken King Coel or Coilus to Old King Cole , completed with pipe , bowl and fiddlers three .
9 We have looked briefly at forming a limited company , but this we understand could give rise to our lower flying costs being treated as a benefit in kind by the Inland Revenue — and subsequently taxed .
10 For example , members might claim to be disadvantaged in an open hearing in putting forward a defence that could give rise to legal action for defamation or breach of confidence .
11 The Inland Revenue , however , has acknowledged that the delay in receiving their Lordships ' decision could give rise to difficulties for employers completing forms P11D ( return of employees ' expenses and benefits ) for 1991/92 and 1992/93 .
12 Each notification could give rise to a demand for the excess sum stated in the policy .
13 The clinical grading structure could give rise to some difficulties in deciding whether previous posts held were equivalent or higher than the new grades and it would be advisable to clarify your position at interview .
14 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
15 While generally a very fair summation of the draft ( though , of course , some interpretations could give rise to discussion ) , the description of Article 11 is , I fear , a very serious misunderstanding of the draft Convention which could give rise to unfortunate and unnecessary misapprehensions .
16 While generally a very fair summation of the draft ( though , of course , some interpretations could give rise to discussion ) , the description of Article 11 is , I fear , a very serious misunderstanding of the draft Convention which could give rise to unfortunate and unnecessary misapprehensions .
17 The danger of serious conflict occurring on the border was anticipated in a motion proposed by the United States and carried in the General Assembly in 1949 authorising UNCOK to observe developments on the border and to report back on clashes that could give rise to war .
18 ( i ) The main requirement of water for textiles is freedom from solid particles in suspension or from substances that could give rise to solids in processing .
19 This could give rise to questions such as :
20 Since the legal rules about the control of water pollution are expressed through the discretion of field officers it is important to understand their working definitions of pollution in terms of the kinds of events , activities , or social settings which could give rise to action on their part , whatever its ultimate conclusion .
21 Yet , said Mr. Watkinson , Lord Bridge can hardly have had it in mind that the private law right which he plainly regarded as coming into existence when the duty laid down in section 65(2) arose could give rise to a public law duty as to the manner in which the private law right was to be satisfied .
22 683 were whether ( a ) the fact that the Bar Council , which was the accusatorial body , formed part of the Senate , which was the judicial body , meant that fair-minded people would regard the proceedings of the Senate 's disciplinary tribunal as tainted with the appearance of bias and ( b ) the fact that members of the same profession were both the accusers and the majority of the disciplinary tribunal could give rise to the same objection .
23 A systematic search for the pair of NTPs that led to the formation of stable initiated complexes ( to be shown and discussed below ) indicated that only the simultaneous presence of GTP and UTP could give rise to stable complexes , indicating that these were the first two NTPs incorporated at both promoters .
24 But that part of it which is used in your business would n't be exempt , and could give rise to a gain .
25 He devised passages containing critical sentences which could give rise to several possible inferences .
26 It may be doubted , for example , that a single act could give rise to a sensation of harassment ; it would be an unusual use of language to say that a person was harassing another by a single act ( such as a wolf whistle ) , since that term generally connotes an element of persistence .
27 It is not hard to find suitable populations of bodies that could give rise to the observed range of crater sizes today — more on this in section 6.4 and in Chapter 8 .
28 If the product proves to be defective , then this could give rise to three separate claims for damages for breach of contract — one by the consumer against the retailer , one by the retailer against the wholesaler and one by the wholesaler against the manufacturer .
29 It should be noted that we do not require immediate notification of any claim but in fact of any event which could give rise to a claim under the policy .
30 Backgrounds 15,18,21 and 24 gave very low reflectance readings , but were glossy , and at any angle other than the vertical could give rise to specular reflections .
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