Example sentences of "some [prep] [art] problems " in BNC.

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1 We will have to meet and discuss some of the problems .
2 They illustrate some of the problems the policeman/anthropologist faces when he sets out to describe and interpret police culture , for he must — if the ethnography is to count — reveal hidden aspects of the relationships of power which are an integral aspect of this institution of state .
3 Andrew Hugh Smith , ISE chairman , said : ‘ Turnover in UK equities has seen an increase of almost 50 per cent over the past year , alleviating some of the problems caused by the very low volumes after the market crash .
4 However , some of the problems that were to haunt the postwar aviation industry had already begun to appear .
5 When one is young and brash — and I think I was brash — one is inclined to brush people aside because you know what you want and you are determined to get it , whereas when one has seen some of the problems of the world , I think one is probably more tolerant .
6 But I think it s very important top management should get to know some of the problems those people have too , because if they 're not doing it right , the company could be in trouble .
7 So we made these tests more complex in order to increase their relevance , but in so doing we produced tests which were so sophisticated as not to be widely available due to cost and personnel requirements , and which began to show some of the problems found when we measured performance ‘ on-site ’ .
8 The fact that the church was not of the highest architectural quality eased some of the problems that could have been associated with its conversion into flats .
9 It also exemplifies the potential , and some of the problems , of TL dating beyond the range of radiocarbon .
10 The poignancy of having distressed relatives say , ‘ How many times can you say goodbye ? ’ can not be overestimated , and allows us a glimpse of some of the problems of anticipated grief .
11 I mentioned some of the problems we were facing and David asked , ‘ Harvey , do your people actually want to win the next election ? ’
12 North America and Europe are catching up fast , but it is appropriate that a Japanese company has gone back 30 years for a discarded technology to solve some of the problems .
13 The need for training and the part the ATB might play in dealing with some of the problems identified is evident .
14 As might be expected this resulted in the reduction rather than the elimination of disparities between the samples , some of the problems being discussed below .
15 The symptoms that were more common among those in residential homes , particularly confusion , incontinence , and bad temper , indicate some of the problems in making these homes attractive and stimulating places to live .
16 A study from the Policy Studies Institute , Women into engineering and science — employers ' policies and practices , highlights some of the problems of combining a career and a family .
17 Italy shares some of the problems of Belgium and Greece .
18 In this chapter I have done more to highlight some of the problems in reaching a definition of God than to offer a solution of my own .
19 After many years of continued experimentation , Hahnemann published new proceedures which solved some of the problems of dose and repetition .
20 They are not confined to Latin America , nor even to the LDCs , as they represent a common response to some of the problems of contemporary capitalism .
21 Some of the problems are highly complex and unique in that lives are at stake depending on their successful resolution .
22 Here I encountered some of the problems indefatigable Indian breeders deal with .
23 Hallin managed to alleviate some of the problems with Red Rhino , and as the band found themselves more and more entangled in the music industry , he became a king of protective figure for them , a buffer against the business world .
24 Dr J. Winter ( AEA Technology , Harwell Laboratory ) described some of the problems that may be encountered when implementing a formal QA scheme in a multi-disciplinary organisation and Dr S. Parry ( Imperial College ) illustrated many of the problems faced in an academic environment .
25 ‘ I do n't think we 'll always need paid carers — quite often simply a good coordination of what 's possible might solve some of the problems and we might not need to employ anyone . ’
26 Some of the problems can occur so gradually , for example the onset of deafness , that the person adjusts gradually and so is able to maintain independence for this AL .
27 Many organisations in fact are overwhelmed by a superabundance of communications and some are looking to computerisation to solve some of the problems created by information bombardment .
28 Many patients have the highest praise for the effectiveness of communication with hospital staff but there is also , undoubtedly , a lot of criticism , and it is useful to outline some of the problems which can arise when a patient is admitted to hospital .
29 Staff-to-staff communicating between hospital and community nursing services is another important aspect when considering a patient 's discharge and Parnell ( 1982 ) highlighted some of the problems in her study .
30 Some of the problems inherent in the sociological study of crime are illustrated in the first reading in Chapter 5 ( pages 76–77 ) .
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