Example sentences of "do [adv] seem to " in BNC.

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1 I do not seem to be alone in this response .
2 One problem is that there do not seem to be many potentially blue-chip names in the pipeline , ready to join what is now a severely restricted group .
3 While the fashion lasts , these are considerable : figures of £200,000 to £300,000 in profit for one well-organised party are being bandied about , and do not seem to be greatly exaggerated .
4 Others speculate that a bad harvest around Hanoi may be to blame ( though the new arrivals do not seem to be starving ) .
5 If we teach a horse to move to the right away from the pressure of a rider 's leg on their left side ; they do not seem to be able to reason that pressure on the right side is intended to make them move to the left .
6 Like Plutarch , Alexander of Aphrodisias argued that not everything is the product of inevitable destiny , since things that are produced by reason and by artists in the exercise of their craft ‘ do not seem to be produced by them through necessity , for they make each one of them indeed , but they are equally at liberty not to do so ’ .
7 Adhesives are likewise mentioned but not indexed ; while paints do not seem to be included anywhere .
8 Latin and Anglo-Saxon temperaments are at variance about what would constitute an acceptable noise level ; and young people do not seem to be so intolerant of noise as their elders .
9 Full data on the Barbara 's performance in service do not seem to be available any longer .
10 But lorikeet displays , Serpell found , do not seem to be graded in intensity ; the large-billed birds use , instead , a greater variety of discreet gestures but in a rather haphazard order .
11 HARD TIMES do not seem to be quenching the natural scepticism of Britain 's youngsters .
12 The water is dirty with unsightly debris along the banks but swans do not seem to be deterred and ropes hanging from the freight railway bridge downstream show that local children swim in the river .
13 Mother cats do not seem to be very efficient at counting their kittens and if the newcomers have become covered in the ‘ home scent ’ , all is well .
14 Fishes ' ’ songs ' , one should note , do not seem to be nearly so complex as those of birds , perhaps reflecting their lower position on the scale of consciousness and intelligence .
15 Anyway , since I do not seem to be the owner of a super-fit body I thought it best this year to enter an event that required the minimum of movement .
16 The epic of human redemption was now recast as a domestic tragedy between the Father and the Son , in which the Devil , and incidentally the Holy Spirit , do not seem to be directly involved .
17 Recognizing the fact that they do not seem to be enjoying their children and are missing the fun of childhood can be one way into helping them realize the value of a positive approach .
18 They do not seem to be adequate to all the convolutions of gendered subjectivities , however .
19 With up to 30 per cent of prisoners coming from minority backgrounds ( mostly black and Asian , but with Polish , Irish and other groups also represented ) this is one way of allowing for — and even valuing — cultural diversity and may be one reason why racial tensions do not seem to be as evident as one might expect .
20 Feelings about these different tasks do not seem to be dependent primarily on temperament or on personal background ; rather they emerge as related to the kind of conditions under which the tasks are performed .
21 Therefore the extreme versions of both theories do not seem to be supported by the empirical evidence on the demand for money , although measurement is complicated by various definitional and conceptual problems .
22 Large units do not seem to be deficient in democratic qualities and may even be more democratic in some respects ; 4 .
23 The modern pressures on a clergy family do not seem to be explained to the laity .
24 If they do not seem to be doing too well , or if you have seen all you want to see , let the collected animals free again in the pond or other place from which you first took them .
25 Mr and Mrs Reynolds appear bemused by the speed of events and do not seem to be aware of the severity of the situation , despite a discussion with the surgeon about the possibility of the need for a colostomy ( a surgically formed opening into the colon through which faecal material is excreted ) .
26 Forbes ( 1933 ) and Snodgrass ( 1935 ) have introduced changes in the nomenclature of the cubito-anal veins which do not seem to be widely accepted while Vignon ( 1929 ) has an unorthodox modification of the Comstock-Needham system .
27 If we can identify style markers , we shall rule out , simply by ignoring them , whole areas of the English language which do not seem to be exploited in any unusual way in a particular text .
28 Speakers and listeners do not seem to be necessary .
29 These comments do not seem to be based primarily on the notion of standardization as a process ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) that might have been beginning to have an effect about this time : they present the standard language as a coherent entity — a variety , like any other variety .
30 Q. My tank has been set up for five months now , and I do not seem to be able to achieve a good green algae growth .
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