Example sentences of "up to the top " in BNC.

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1 We were taken to the chief who instructed four young boys to show us the path up to the top .
2 The wheel gathered momentum as they rose up to the top : balanced , it seemed , on nothingness for a precarious second , then plunged , in a stomach-churning dive , back to earth again .
3 As they trudged up to the top of a sand-dune , Seal Sands Lock was there below them .
4 It is like a man who storms up to the top of a great mountain and then just drops down .
5 The Zwolferhorn gondola takes you directly from St Gilgen up to the top of the Zwolferhorn mountain .
6 They hit many patches of soft sand and wasted hours unloading vehicles , shoving them up to the top of dunes and reloading again .
7 The solution was to strengthen the spire from within by inserting a single skin of new brickwork all the way up to the top , and bolting the brick and stone together with stainless steel pins that would be invisible from the ground .
8 ‘ Well , we certainly thought we were climbing , the wife and me , you know with all that pulling ourselves up over the rock and all , and what with the fact we were , well , in a manner of speaking , how can I put this , em , climbing up to the top . ’
9 In such places , ditches , which have a critical job to do in carrying away flood-water , are often filled up to the top with loose soil , following a ‘ blow ’ .
10 The bottom turn should be sharp enough to bring you back up to the top of the wave whereupon you perform what is known as a ‘ cut-back ’ in which you use all your weight on the windward rail to violently turn the board back down the slope of the wave .
11 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
12 In came Flt Lt Marshall , red faced and furious , having taken his plane all the way up to the top of the cloud and all the way down again .
13 In this flickscreen platform extravaganza , Egor 's first priority is to collect the bodies conveniently littered around the many screens , then find a way back up to the top of the tower where his master impatiently awaits .
14 The ancient Chinese invented it 2,000 years ago as a way to pass instructions down the line and information up to the top .
15 ‘ You could fill the glasses up to the top . ’
16 She asked : ‘ Would you like to come up to the top of the house , to my office ?
17 This leads to Nan Bield Pass , from here walk up to the top of High Street .
18 It involves scrambling up a scree slope and then walking along a ledge called the Shamrock Traverse , before making a direct ascent up to the top .
19 They may be retained there for days or weeks before swimming up to the top of the tract and fertilising an egg .
20 But Philip also took Richard out on to the hills and up to the top of Welsh mountains like master and disciple in some biblical parable .
21 Add a length of plastic pipe over the top of the funnel so that it comes up to the top of the bottle .
22 The fine masonry extended up to the top of the ground floor , but it seems likely that the upper floors — however many there were — were usually made of mudbricks .
23 Equally impressive scenery is enjoyed by all those who ride the cable-car up to the top of Monte Baldo .
24 One afternoon we had been taken for a walk up to the top of the mountain behind the camp , which had been good exercise ; from the top I had been able to see the sea .
25 He was also still considerably lighter , although as he rolled his sleeves right up to the top of his arms , Ellie for the first time was aware of the amount of muscle he seemed to have gained .
26 ‘ When you 've got it full up to the top , splash a bit of Paraffin on the top and put the match to it .
27 Then it climbs back up to the top of the stigma rising from the ovary and rams the pollen ball into the top .
28 She walked some more , around and back , past Theresa and Anthony , where kitchen windows were now dark , up to the top of the hill , down and around and into her father 's street .
29 Her hair had been swept up to the top of her head , from whence it was allowed to fall in ringlets to her neck .
30 " Before everyone goes up to the top , " said Hazel , " we ought to find out what it 's like .
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