Example sentences of "up [prep] a quarter " in BNC.

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1 So they 're going to finish u they should finish up with a quarter so again this sharing sometimes it works okay and we just get a normal counting number .
2 Tests show that on most high performance machines , a spread of splattered flies on the leading edges can account for up to a quarter of the glider 's performance , reducing a glide ratio of 40:1 to less than 35:1 and making a mockery of glide calculations .
3 By the mid 1930s , up to a quarter of a million dolphins were being killed each year by Turkish , Bulgarian , Romanian , and Russian hunters .
4 Buildings up to a quarter of a mile away suffered severe damage from the 100 lb bomb , which killed three and injured 91 , as the pressure wave ricocheted from St Mary Axe down the concrete canyons of the Square Mile .
5 Up to a quarter of the population has either been displaced or has left the country since 1980 .
6 In India , up to a quarter of total cultivable waters are infested with the weed .
7 The 48-foot semi-cantilever two-spar wing is made for good STOL performance with a NACA 64A high-lift section , a high 9.2 aspect ratio and slotted flaps which , with the ailerons , add up to a quarter of the total 250 square feet wing area .
8 Up to a quarter said their relationships with partners suffered as they became more irritable , and one in 20 have problems staying awake while driving or operating machinery .
9 Inoculation against smallpox had been practised since the 1720s , although it constituted a potentially lethal measure in itself and only achieved an erratic degree of success against a disease which probably claimed the lives of up to a quarter of the population throughout the century , and disfigured many of the survivors .
10 The High Elf army may include a proportion of allies , up to a quarter of its total points value .
11 So , for example , your High Elf army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Wood Elves chosen from the Wood Elf list , or Dwarfs chosen from the Dwarfs list .
12 The Orc and Goblin army may include a proportion of allies worth up to a quarter of its total points value .
13 So , for example , your Orc and Goblin army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Dark Elves chosen from the Dark Elf list , or Chaos chosen from the Chaos list .
14 War Machines 0–25% Up to a quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on war machines .
15 Monsters 0–25% Up to a quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on monsters .
16 Allies 0–25% Up to a quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on allied troops chosen from any of the following list or lists : Chaos , Chaos Dwarf , Dark Elves , and Skaven .
17 The Empire army may include a proportion of allies , in this case up to a quarter of its total points value .
18 So , for example , your Empire army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Wood Elves chosen from the Wood Elf list , or Dwarfs chosen from the Dwarf list .
19 War Machines 0–25% Up to a quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on war machines .
20 Monsters 0–25% Up to a quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on monsters .
21 Allies 0–25% Up to a quarter of the points value of the army may be spent on allied troops chosen from one or more of the following lists : Bretonnia , Dwarfs , High Elves and Wood Elves .
22 Nearly a million people ( a tenth of Greece 's population ) demonstrated in Salonika ; an opinion poll said that 72% were against any compromise on the name , and 20% were ready to fight about it ; and up to a quarter of New Democracy 's members of parliament threatened rebellion .
23 Results are due in a couple of weeks but there are those who claim Sun 's run rate ca n't possibly add up to a quarter of a million units a year .
24 Hampshire think they may lose up to a quarter of their membership when Dean Park goes after this season .
25 The 1930 Act gave the Education Minister power to nominate up to a quarter of the membership of Education Committees in Northern Ireland ( it being understood that the nominees would be clergymen ) ; regulated the membership of School Management Committees ; and required local education authorities to provide Bible instruction in any school if the parents of ten or more children demanded it .
26 Six years in the Bournemouth branch and nineteen elsewhere , add up to a quarter century at Rentokil , for Martin Loftus .
27 State grain reserves were opened in Anhui and Jiangsu while medical teams fought water-borne diseases such as dysentery and cholera , which were reported to have affected up to a quarter of the flood victims .
28 Workers would be given shares of up to a quarter of the total in their enterprise .
29 Waste compactors offer a new concept in efficient and cost-effective waste disposal by safely and hygienically reducing waste to up to a quarter of its original size .
30 In Water Resources Development Strategy , the NRA stresses the need to save water by means of reducing wastage due to leaks ( currently running at up to a quarter of total supplies ) and introducing metering in areas of low supply .
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