Example sentences of "out [prep] the open " in BNC.

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1 As they finally leave the city and head out for the open road , Billy the Kid says , ‘ We made it , did n't we ? ’
2 A cloud of cigarette smoke hangs over the group , slowly wafting over the television set and out through the open window .
3 She could imagine it clanging across the hall , up the stairway , along the draughty corridors , around the drawing-room and out through the open windows .
4 Matilda turned away from him and walked out through the open front-door .
5 Anyway , he sees this fat cunt with some of his mates with some tea — and he 's moved along a bit to the end and he 's pissing down and out through the open bit and its all blowing down on these cunts ’ heads and into their
6 Pamela smiled serenely out through the open door towards the swimming pool .
7 Jane nodded quickly and Patrick immediately dashed through the kitchen , squeezed Jane 's should as he passed , and was then out through the open door .
8 The water sluiced out through the open door carrying all before it : cigarette packets , banana skins , the shells of nuts , an old shoe .
9 She had found him sitting there , hunched up on his bed , his arms wrapped about his knees , staring out through the open window at the bay .
10 Much relieved , Julia walked out through the open French windows on to the terrace .
11 Guests spilled noisily out through the open french windows , couples laughed and shrieked and danced and embraced intimately .
12 The gun roared angrily again and the inoffensive family man slumped sideways against the treacherous door , minus the top of his skull , which had been blasted out through the open side window .
13 He closed the door and leaned out through the open window as he started the engine , but his look was for Marc .
14 THE ELBOW was propped on a window sill as a woman stuck her head out through the open casement .
15 He looked out through the open shutters at the grey January sky over the strait , where the islands had vanished in frosty mist .
16 The plane bumped to a halt , the engine coughed and died , and two figures in leather flying helmets swung out of the open cockpit and came towards them arm in arm .
17 He paused again at the next landing and peered out of the open window into the back-court .
18 I spent the brief stop at the small town of Kenora hanging out of the open doorway past George 's office , watching him , on the station side of the train , walk a good way up and down outside while he checked that all looked well .
19 Ahead of him blue light shone out of the open hatchway .
20 ‘ Only yesterday the Trunchbull caught a boy called Julius Rottwinkle eating Liquorice Allsorts during the scripture lesson and she simply picked him up by one arm and flung him clear out of the open classroom window .
21 He stuck his arm out of the open side of the jeep and stamped a big boot on the brake .
22 The father then flung the contents of the hat out of the open carriage window .
23 She was dazzled by a set of headlights as a Volkswagen Golf swerved to avoid her , music blaring out of the open windows .
24 I looked guiltily out of the open door .
25 Along the broken kerb of the road stood a line of taxis , their drivers dozing in the back seats with their legs dangling out of the open doors .
26 Each man , John was to learn , would cut out up to half a ton of slate and load it onto a sledge which he would drag out of the open shaft and along a perilous track slotted narrowly into the fellside .
27 In the back a woman was looking out of the open window , her chin propped on the heel of her hand .
28 Adam saw the machine-gunner hanging out of the open door of the Jet Ranger .
29 She leaned out of the open window .
30 Alexei stared out of the open end of the room , awed as always by the view .
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