Example sentences of "out [art] survey [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Liz Leaning , spokesman for the Baby Life Support Systems charity ( BLISS ) , said : ‘ We sent out a survey to all the 207 hospitals with special care baby units and were shocked by the results .
2 The PPL recently commissioned Gallup to carry out a survey of the benefits of recorded music .
3 In 1795 Parliament voted that King George III award Elkington £1,000 to carry out a survey of his achievements .
4 For example , if one were carrying out a survey of library users over six days and the analysis for the working week produced , let us say , 20 print-out sheets , then to ask also for sub-analyses for each of the six days could result in a further 120 sheets .
5 When I carried out a survey of undergraduates and their use of books at Sheffield University I needed a sample of all undergraduates in the university during the academic year of the study.8 It was quite a revelation , talking to the Assistant Registrar in charge of records , to discover how difficult it was to define a ‘ student ’ for my purposes .
6 If dealt with in this order the opening gambit would be ( 1 ) ‘ I am an interviewer from the North Midlands Institute for Social Research and ( 2 ) we are carrying out a survey of the working-day of housewives .
7 The committee had also carried out a survey of parking problems in residential areas .
8 Sir , — On Tuesday , February 11th , some of my fellow pupils and I from the Royal Naval School carried out a survey of Haslemere from the point of view of a wheelchair bound person .
9 BT is currently carrying out a survey of customers ' needs .
10 In a recent study , Matters of Life and Death , South Birmingham Community Health Council carried out a survey of bereavement experiences .
11 GOVERNMENT health watchdogs are to carry out a survey of women working in computer microchip factories amid fears they may suffer a higher risk of miscarriage .
12 Yet , another research team in the same borough at the same time , carrying out a survey of parental responses to statements , had to rely heavily on interpreters for interviews with the parents .
13 Michael Zander , professor of law at the London School of Economics and one of the members of the commission , has carried out a survey of courts .
14 In 1988 Virginia Beardshaw of the Kings Fund , a charity promoting innovation in the NHS , and Edith Morgan , who had lent her name to the general hospital unit at Torquay , carried out a survey of the Torbay mental health services .
15 Canadian market research firm DMR Group 's Australian subsidiary , in conjunction with AUUG — the Australian Open Systems User Group — has carried out a survey of open systems strategies down under , polling some 1,000 organisations on their views of open systems technology .
16 A spate of fires in disconnected homes , culminating in the deaths of children in Sunderland , prompted Southwick Neighbourhood Action Project to carry out a survey of disconnections on an interwar estate of semi-detached houses recently modernised with gas fires , back boilers and central heating .
17 Besides this , we carried out a survey of males aged 10–35 , among the general population , living in areas where more than 10 per cent .
18 During the early eighties the Linguistic Minorities Project carried out a survey of Language Use in the workplace .
19 Despite these criticisms , the report stimulated initiatives based on its recommendations and in the first half of 1981 Her Majesty 's Inspectors carried out a survey of Haycocks II provision in the nine English RACs .
20 But then , nearly twelve years ago , a young and ambitious deacon in the Church militia had decided to further his career by carrying out a survey of all small cults in Gleberune .
21 The society will consider carrying out a survey of solicitors ' charges for conveyancing to compare them with those of competitors here and with professions in other countries .
22 It carried out a survey of the noise and vibration likely to be caused by the construction of the project and concluded that noise and vibration would be ’ unlikely to have a major impact . ’
23 Warwick University has carried out a survey of management handling of industrial relations in multi-establishment firms .
24 Mr Johnston revealed that Trading Standards officers had recently carried out a survey of motor dealers which showed that most were breaking the law by not displaying vehicle prices properly .
25 In the winter of 1984 , therefore , we carried out a survey of a representative sample of Oxfordshire teachers in primary , middle and secondary schools .
26 Chief officers have been asked to carry out a survey of people who would like to work reduced hours for less pay if it can be done without hitting the service to the public .
27 The unit carried out a survey of 21 authorities across the country , including some in the North-East , for its report .
28 KPMG has been appointed by the European Commission to carry out a survey of venture capitalists in the European Community .
29 After carrying out a survey of the number of people who have died of it over the past three years , COHSE 's Scottish regional officer , Jim Devine , said the union believed many low-paid workers and pensioners were forced to make a choice between eating and heating .
30 A computer salesperson may carry out a survey of customer requirements prior to suggesting an appropriate computer system .
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