Example sentences of "who appeared in the " in BNC.

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1 Frank van Hattum , the New Zealand international who appeared in the 1982 World Cup finals in Spain , is having a trial with Fourth Division Colchester .
2 They were a young primary school teacher from Awlad Shaikh who appeared in the Magharba list and a professor of economics from Benghazi University with a United States doctorate , who unfortunately was unable to be present himself , but was supported by the Zuwaya .
3 It is another accomplished work by the artist ( who appeared in the BBC 's documentary on the Queen 's 40th anniversary ) .
4 He told Taylor , who appeared in the dock wearing a dark suit with a small teddy bear mascot on the breast pocket , that Parliament had laid down a maximum sentence of 10 years for an appropriate case and to deter those who took the law into their own hands .
5 It is instructive to note that relative newcomers to the dinosaur scene , the mosasaurs ( the violent giant aquatic lizards referred to in Chapter 3 , who appeared in the last 25 million years of the Cretaceous ) , showed evidence of mammalian-like illnesses .
6 The main photo is of our Mystery Golfer No. 2 , while the inset is Mystery Golfer No. 1 who appeared in the October issue .
7 ‘ I love dressing up but lots of actresses do — that 's part of the attraction , ’ says Tara , who appeared in the television series The Cammomile Lawn and more recently in the award-winning film Hear My Song .
8 World football 's ruling body were asked to unravel the case of Spartak Moscow 's Mikhail Rusayev , who appeared in the first two rounds of the Cup Winners ' Cup , including the 6-2 aggregate win over Liverpool , without compulsory international clearance .
9 In this respect , the errors of learners have some resemblance to other uses of language where the exigencies of the communicative situation license the disregard of grammatical niceties : telegrams , for example , or the laconic instructions of the surgeon who appeared in the preceding chapter .
10 Diana and Carolyn would regularly while away a quiet evening ringing people with silly names who appeared in the telephone directory .
11 Mairowitz was , McGrath pointed out in an ‘ open letter ’ published in It , responsible for ‘ the pretty chicks ’ who appeared in the paper .
12 He was saved by Private Boyd who appeared in the doorway and began to scoop up the gun belts and equipment .
13 A group of former Young Farmers who appeared in the film came together for a lunchtime drink to remember the making of the film and to talk over old times .
14 The defendant , who appeared in the dock wearing an open-necked striped shirt , remained silent during the brief hearing .
15 What 's the screen name of this couple who appeared in the very early days ? ( 2 points ) .
16 The boy who appeared in the dock in his school blazer and can not be identified under an order made under the Children and Young Person 's Act by Mr Justice Garland denies attempted rape and indecent assault on February 29 this year .
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