Example sentences of "who died in the " in BNC.

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1 Levi goes on to insist that the real witnesses are those who died in the camps , and that those prisoners who did not were mostly compromised people or privileged people : Solzhenitsyn is cited as making the same point about the pridurki — the ‘ prominents ’ of the Gulag system .
2 ‘ Sir Vivien is the eleventh baronet and is the only surviving son of Sir Tregarron Blacker , the celebrated big-game hunter who died in the sinking of the Titanic , together with his wife , Lady Mabel .
3 News now of the unveiling of a fine memorial commemorating the 30 men of 30 Squadron and 20 men of 33 Squadron who died in the defence of Maleme airfield , Crete , in May 1941 .
4 Its duties are to mark and maintain the graves of the members of the forces of the Commonwealth who died in the two world wars , to build and maintain memorials to the dead whose graves are unknown , and to keep records and registers .
5 which was probably the burial place of the East Anglian King Redwald who died in the seventh century AD. contained a wealth of fine metalwork including a sword .
6 People will wonder if it is their fault that the person who died in the road traffic accident perhaps was not looking where they were going because of being preoccupied with what was happening just before they left home .
7 Erected in 1919 , it has an addendum for those who died in the Second World War .
8 He was pictured in the Sun kissing his girlfriend Karen Levy on the same day that the club held a third anniversary memorial service for 95 fans who died in the Hillsborough disaster .
9 The striking nameplates affixed to 6165 commemorated those GC employees who died in the Great War .
10 A plaque erected by the Israeli Ministry of Defence pays tribute to Ben-Ami Pachter , the Israeli commando leader who died in the ambush ; which is one reason why the name Um Al-Farajh ceased to exist and the name of Ben Ami took its place .
11 Those who died in the streets attempting to get away suffered the same agonizing fate and were stifled by the fumes .
12 In the entrance hall of he present church the 20 bronze plaques commemorate both old and young — from Desmond William Green , who lived for 6 weeks , to many who died in the fullness of age .
13 I refer to Dr Barney Clark , a dentist , who died in the University of Utah Medical Center at the end of March , 122 distressful days after being fitted with an artificial heart .
14 Eva screamed after him , ‘ Think of those who died in the camps !
15 THE family of bank executive Stephen Loader , 34 , who died in the 1988 Clapham rail disaster , was awarded £485,000 damages yesterday .
16 ON GUARD : a soldier on patrol at Musgrave Park Hospital , Belfast , passes floral tributes to those who died in the IRA bombing
17 ‘ So who died in the cottage ? ’
18 ‘ They 'd care as little about him as they cared about the two bombers who died in the van . ’
19 Viscount Montgomery and Manfred Rommel honoured those who died in the desert battles led by their fathers .
20 His name was on a list of prominent party members who died in the past year .
21 Another caring woman who died in the disaster was doctor 's daughter Deborah Leon , from South Gosforth , Newcastle upon Tyne .
22 And at least 35 of the 146 Americans who died in the war were victims of US ‘ friendly fire . ’
23 Christ Church was closely involved in the aftermath of the disaster since no less than 29 of those who died in the local train , together with countless injured , came form the parish .
24 Christ Church has two other reminders of those who died in the disaster .
25 Also a photograph of the grave of Oberfeldwebel Erich Maack and Unteroffizier Heinrich Haselmeyer who died in the crash of their Heinkel He 111 at a site near the Grimstone viaduct four miles to the west of Dorchester on August 13 , 1940 .
26 Silent citizens marched from the city centre to the mass grave of those who died in the flood released by the destruction of the dam .
27 Three of four patients who died in the intervening period survived >5 years after transplantation .
28 The official estimate of the number who died in the violence that followed was 130 : unofficial estimates varied from over 200 to more than 1,000 .
29 Richard also seems to have felt a special devotion for the shrine of Bury St Edmund 's — he may well have been attracted by a cult which celebrated a king who died in the struggle against pagans .
30 Hell , everybody I know 's done something like that at some time or another but that does n't make them a murderer ; I think McDunn 's crazy but I ca n't tell him that because , if he 's wrong about that and I 'm wrong about it being something to do with those guys who died in the Lake District a few years ago , then there 's only one suspect left and that 's me .
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