Example sentences of "who make the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In independent companies , a band can talk to the people who count and who make the decisions .
2 Look , who should be the leaders , the individuals who make the decisions that affect the lives of ordinary people ?
3 This suggests that the predominantly male , white judiciary and psychiatrists who make the decisions use a different set of standards for women and men .
4 In constitutional theory , those who make the decisions of government are ultimately accountable to Parliament .
5 ‘ Those people who make the decisions should have gone out early in the morning and tried to putt to the holes we had to play to , ’ he added .
6 Like many in the sport , the men who make the odds view the bold Brittain as racing 's version of Don Quixote .
7 Eldorado just reflects the people who make the programmes , that 's what I hate about it .
8 The emphasis in ‘ black crime ’ has focused on youth , and consequently it is black youth that have been portrayed as folk devils who make the streets unsafe .
9 And who make the rules ?
10 They simply confirm my view that the people who make the laws are people who have little direct contact with the playing of the game .
11 The people who make the laws and regulations relating to such a highly technological activity as aviation are as capable of making mistakes as the engineers who build the aircraft and the crews that fly them .
12 For the groups that eschew unconventional behaviour — and there may be tactical as well as principled reasons for doing so — the focus and target of pressure is likely to be the people who make the laws and policies and/or the people who implement them .
13 Yes , well , I mean I 'm very happy to be able to agree totally with that erm , people who make the laws are n't the people who suffer from the the physical , and matters might be a great deal better if erm , they paid a bit more attention , I do hope that he would agree however , erm , that police officers who are female also have a good effect on the streets , because he was acting as if erm , it was only the male person who were any use , and I 'm sure that is not so .
14 But something I would like to say , which no-one has touched on at all ; we 've all been talking about the laws that affect women and equal opportunities , and no-one has mentioned anything about the horrendous hours that are worked in parliament making it not impossible , but extremely difficult for women to become politicians working in parliament to be the people who make the laws , to be the people who can actually affect women 's roles in society erm everyone seems to accept the fact that our own parliament , totally dominated by men , and the sort of hours that only men can work , making it extremely difficult for women .
15 There is still an unspoken assumption that it will be the women who make the sacrifices when it comes to childcare and it is perhaps the thickest glass ceiling of all for many women .
16 ‘ Is it they who make the fires in the forest ? ’
17 Trading involves only a handful of traders who make the markets and a relatively closed universe of institutional investors .
18 Because it is the manufacturers who make the standards , with little or no input from the users or consumers .
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