Example sentences of "who stand in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Norman ’ is the anglicised form of Nehemiah , who stands in the history of his people as the master-builder , rebuilder more accurately , prior to the People 's return from Babylonian captivity .
2 Ludens , I 'm in love , I 'm desperate with love , I 'm sunk in it , I 'm ruthless , I feel as fierce as hell about this , I could kill anyone who stands in the way , I must have both of them , and I will , all right it may look like a battlefield , but what has to be done has to be done now and like this .
3 In Gandhi 's view , the statement ‘ son of God ’ could only be used in a figurative sense and not in a literal sense so that anyone ‘ who stands in the position of Jesus is a begotten son of God ’ .
4 Second , it is God himself who not only speaks but also hears that ‘ No ’ in the person of the one man who does not deserve to hear it , the righteous one who stands in the place of the unrighteous .
5 Much of the pretty china and furniture was found by chance : Freda spotted the rocking-horse , who stands in the basement awaiting her grandchildren , in a scrap-cart being pushed down the street outside .
6 We have made sure that we get on with as much as we can get through in our help for Iraq through UNHCR , but there is one man — and one man only — who stands in the dock for the denial of resources to the northern Iraqi people , and that is Saddam Hussein .
7 who stand in the mouth
8 He probably shared Khruschev 's contempt for conservationists and the defenders of the national heritage , who stood in the way of progress and tried to suborn Communist officials from their duty to demolish the redundant vestiges of the old order .
9 Liza and I had wanted to go into the big shops in New Street and Corporation Street for ages but we 'd never dared to pass the attendant who stood in the doorway ready to shoo small children off .
10 Thomas Walsingham , who stood in the St Albans tradition of writing history from the baronial point of view , wrote a ferociously hostile attack on him which may well reflect popular feeling .
11 Lifelike , at least , but for the dark , unfocused figures who stood in the shadows beneath the trees on the far side of the water .
12 ‘ He it was who stood in the deepest Sorcery Chamber of tara and read from the Book of the Academy of Necromancers the incantation .
13 She had recently quarrelled with Hilda , who was the only person who stood in the way of Viola imposing her own version of people and events on posterity .
14 In any case they were told that the count was waiting and the waiter indicated the man who stood in the shadows at the other side of the foyer .
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