Example sentences of "who sit in the " in BNC.

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1 It is also a pleasure for a nation of country lovers to escape from what is in danger of becoming a land of theme parks and golf courses , to a place in which the earth is actually used for growing things and where the workers have n't been reduced to the statutory rustic who sits in the corner of the saloon bar entertaining the merchant bankers .
2 In theory it is the chairperson , who sits in the middle , who is the most crucial member of the interview panel , but in practice one of the others may have the real power to make decisions or the personality to override the others .
3 ‘ What can you do ’ , an exasperated colleague once complained , ‘ with a leader who sits in the smoking room reading the Strand Magazine ? ’
4 Something about the gondola itself which is , after all , only Venice made manifest in the craft of the shipwright metamorphoses almost everyone who travels in it ; especially everyone who sits in the posher seat , the one with its back to the gondolier .
5 In many cases students will also tour in productions mounted by the school , and this gives good audience experience away from the greenhouse of school performances , where the people who sit in the audience are usually either professionally interested , or are fellow students and friends .
6 The crew comprises a commander and gunner , who sit in the turret , and a driver .
7 The payroll vote ( those members of the Government who sit in the two Houses ) , back-bench ambition , and the vigilance of the Whips ' Office ensure that executive will invariably prevails .
8 I 'm , I 'm certainly as I was going to come on to explain and the way you will see ourselves working , is not people who sit in the Town Hall and just turn out reports , I mean the kind of work we do and the way we work means that were actually very much involved in the community groups , but I mean if it was , if it was thought to be an issue that we needed to have greater community involvement , i.e. to resurrecting that forum then that 's something that , you know , we may need to address , but I never saw it as operating like that anyway , I mean I saw it as it 's almost like in a cabinet of members mainly . .
9 at the same time , there are people who sit in the middle ground
10 Judges who sit in the Crown Court tend to be slightly older than magistrates on average ( around 60 for judges and 56 for lay justices ) .
11 The next senior are Lords Justices of Appeal who sit in the Court of Appeal .
12 There are alderman who sit in the Commons , in St Stephen 's Chapel , just a stone 's throw away , only too willing to use any ammunition against the regent . ’
13 Adelaida points out the different groups : the ‘ grandmothers ’ , who sit in the sun spinning and chatting ; the ‘ complete illiterates ’ , mostly older Aymara women who are making their first letters with painstaking care ; the ’ functional illiterates ’ who have had some schooling and progress more rapidly ; and the groups which practise their recently acquired literacy skills using materials on health and nutrition .
14 She saw in her mind the woman who sat in the same seat day after day .
15 So did Sean and Michael and the family and most of the congregation , except old Emmet , who was still asleep and Jock , who sat in the choir balcony with his arms folded , looking down on the Latin mumbo-jumbo with Presbyterian disapproval .
16 Maisie and Joan , who collected catkins in the woods with me ; Lucy , who was always polite and a beautiful writer ; three very naughty boys who sat in the front row and made a nuisance of themselves : every teacher has memories like these .
17 I will never forget a girl who sat in the living-room of our home in Switzerland .
18 Most of the work was done by gangs of miners , many of them ‘ claykickers ’ who sat in the tunnel , leaning against a wooden backrest with their feet at the face , and dug out the clay with a light spade .
19 This was what the bear-leader seemed to be asking of the passenger he now approached , the man who sat in the seat next to the doors .
20 I should perhaps add that I was not a member of the committee who heard these appeals in the first hearing since I became involved only when your Lordships who sat in the first hearing suggested a second hearing under my chairmanship and accordingly I have not been asked to consider this matter apart from the discussion of the extracts from Hansard which have been put before us in this appeal .
21 The girl who sat in the reception area and answered the switchboard was called Lucinda .
22 Another survey , published in 1975 , covers the period 1876–1972 and , with a few omissions , analyses the 317 judges who sat in the High Court , the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords during that period .
23 Rape was not charged but there are dicta on the subject from six of the 13 judges who sat in the case .
24 John Wildman , who sat in the Convention as member for Great Bedwin , produced a tract in which he argued that the King 's legislative veto and power to dismiss Parliament be removed and that control over the militia , the declaration of war and the appointment of judges should be transferred to Parliament .
25 Backstage , in Therese 's dressing room , all was excitement and congratulations — Willi , old Anton , Alfred , the entire Hochhauser Theatre committee complete with the Easter egg — the expensive dress had found an occasion worthy of a second showing — and Hans , a smugly self-satisfied Hans who sat in the only chair sipping a glass of champagne provided by Willi .
26 Of the members of Parliament ( MPs ) who sat in the Parliament of 1979-1983 , over 62% were graduates .
27 It was a disappointed Graham who sat in the clubhouse after his second defeat .
28 But insisted that we got into a rowing boat instead , so we did , and after failures to dissuade us , we were promptly joined by three park-keepers who sat in the boat and insisted on ‘ helping ’ us to row !
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