Example sentences of "so hard that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But if we react too strongly to fear , the brake is applied so hard that we come to a standstill , and fail to grow — which means a wasted lifetime .
2 With her heart thumping so hard that her ears were deaf to any other sounds , Sarah hurled herself down into the dip .
3 Alice screamed with laughter as Fernie gave her a jerk which pulled her forward so hard that her left shoe stayed behind , its heel bedded deep in the grass verge .
4 ‘ I 'll scream ! ’ she mumbled , straining back so hard that her neck ached .
5 His mouth made a tight , grim line , and he began to shake her hard , so hard that her teeth rattled .
6 He gripped her so hard that her bones grated together , and she gasped in pain before stumbling as he pushed her away .
7 ‘ Get yourself a good lawyer , and if somebody rips you off , punish them , and do it so hard that their ancestors hurt . ’
8 Get yourself a good lawyer , and if somebody rips you off , punish them , and do it so hard that their ancestors hurt
9 The inexperienced pilots often try to soar in unusable lift , and they concentrate so hard that they do n't recognise that they are drifting away and are not going to get back to the field .
10 Although some skins claimed that they were so hard that they did not need to use weapons , and there was no standard personal armament like the cut-throat razors of the teds or the bicycle chains of the grebos , a variety of weapons were used at football matches and other fights .
11 With this money , he was able to pay all his supporters , and with this added incentive he pressed the Moorish Caliphs so hard that they submitted to him , sueing for peace in the April of 1090 .
12 Many were so hard that they seemed to be made of solid wood while others shattered like eggshells , but were virtually empty .
13 Then the Bonn government leaned on Germany 's aerospace industry chiefs so hard that they scrapped the whole event .
14 The bare hills behind Agadir in the west are built of blue limestones so hard that they ring under the fossil-hunter 's hammer .
15 ‘ Kick me again , ’ said Georgiades , keeping his voice at the gentle , conversational level , ‘ and I will kick your balls so hard that they will fly out of your backside . ’
16 The frost was so hard that everything went steel grey — the ground , the water and the sky .
17 At two-twenty Minto 's party appeared , saying that the reason for their delay was that Liddiat , the handyman employed by Minto at The Kilns , had pumped up the tyres of the car so hard that it was impossible to drive at more than fifteen miles per hour .
18 He tries so hard that it seems churlish to deny him a few points for effort .
19 David Lloyd , his captain at Lancashire , tells a story that once in a Gillette Cup match against Gloucestershire at Old Trafford , Clive Lloyd edged a ball from Mike Procter so hard that it went for six .
20 But I knocked you to the floor , and the blow was so hard that it made my hand throb for hours afterwards .
21 As he pulled away , the leaves on the trees shuddered and the rain began to fall so hard that it jumped back off the tarmac , turned to mist .
22 On one of the trials , Ray placed a popsock over the end of a pipe delivering water that had been through an Eradicator and , in 72 hours , collected a golf ball-sized piece of limescale from the mesh … in East Anglia , the water is so hard that it will give a kettle an internal fur coat in no time , and here was the proof .
23 Wild with fear , Constance opened her mouth and bit his nose so hard that it hurt her teeth .
24 Some diets may emerge so hard that it is impossible for them to be eaten by weanling mice .
25 But Milosh reversed his lance and flung it so hard that it pinned the Venetian champion to the gate of the city ; he struck off the champion 's head and threw it in Koulash 's nosebag .
26 Lenny Campion gripped the Bakelite microphone so hard that it began to hurt his hand .
27 I hit my pillow so hard that it has looked reproachful ever since . )
28 The pistol was pressed against his cheek so hard that it almost broke the skin .
29 Village hoardings are covered with adverts for Astra margarine — a product made of saturated fat so hard that it stays solid even in tropical heat .
30 The snow was blinding but had blown so hard that it had not yet formed a blanket on the land .
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