Example sentences of "so far [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 so far but it , this is a , it 's a school booking , it 's Lorraine 's children
2 After the initial impetus has run out , he wrote , and before one has got in so far that it is easier to finish than to go back , it is then that it becomes hard to be sure of your footing , hard to know why you are doing what you are doing , hard to know if you are doing correctly what you are doing .
3 However , if the rattle slips down so far that it is no longer visible , the infant will at once lose interest and behave as if the rattle had also slipped out of existence .
4 And in so doing , we must , of course , be aware of the risk of setting a standard which goes so far that it would mean that others — for example , the senile or the mentally handicapped , whom we would wish to treat if they were ill — were also included by it .
5 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
6 How the Mini Master will be regarded by Britain 's Civil Aviation Authority remains to be seen , but the CAA has indicated so far that it will expect pilots flying the aircraft to be holders of a multi engine rating , which currently costs around £1,200 to obtain on a conventional twin aircraft .
7 That afternoon he saw the King , who tried to dissuade him , but , as lying George V recorded it : ‘ He assured me that it was absolutely necessary for him to appeal to the Country as he had gone so far that it was not possible for him to change his mind . ’ ’
8 In January 1949 the British cabinet ruled that co-operation with Europe should not be taken so far that it compromised Britain 's ability to survive as an independent state .
9 It is obvious from the discussion so far that it is much more pleasant to live in some places than in others , although this will depend to a certain degree on the particular individuals and groups we are considering .
10 The compression of the state pension down to income support levels has gone so far that it has superseded the income support level , so that every pensioner , as of right , should be on income support .
11 He hit a huge drive which rolled so far that it ended in deep rough .
12 This , so far as it concerns Leonard , simply goes too far .
13 In so far as it ‘ translates ’ at all , the nervous system ‘ translates ’ only from nerve impulses into nerve impulses , from sodium fluxes into sodium fluxes .
14 Well yes , in so far as it 's a question of degree , though if Crime and Punishment really is the king of thrillers then there 's something unique to remark in it and even to wax a bit pompous about .
15 All the same Schneidau 's argument is just and illuminating , so far as it goes .
16 Awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was spread much more evenly throughout the electorate , and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or had recently discussed the campaign ( Table 7.7 ) .
17 By the end of the campaign that was no longer so true : awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock had spread much more evenly through the electorate and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or discussed the campaign .
18 The localized system of medico-pedagogical influence on a child , in so far as it is differentiated in an institution for social education , ought to prevail to the extent that it is in accordance with the natural needs of the child and to the extent that it opens creative prospects for the development of the given structure — biological , social , and economic .
19 Lenin 's attitude , in so far as it is discernible , will be looked at in a moment , but by this time he was more cut off through illness from daily supervision of affairs .
20 The Revolution had impinged on their consciousness only in so far as it provided them with land , or took away foodstuffs during War Communism .
21 The teaching body in the university , so far as it has not joined ‘ The Thing ’ , has always preferred to accept the philosophy of ‘ The Thing ’ rather than reassert what it well knew was the requisite of any academic society .
22 In fact it is now widely recognized that some consumption expenditure of this type , in so far as it combats malnutrition , should be considered as equivalent to investment .
23 The Situationist lifestyle ( in so far as it could be imagined ) had some influence on the hippy sub-culture in the late sixties and punk ideology in the seventies in Britain .
24 Often they are questions on which the hierarchy of the family ( in so far as it exists in Britain ) has to be consulted .
25 We will not follow Gassendi in much of this , but it will be of interest to note what he says in so far as it relates to experience .
26 Each of these future estates , though it gave no present right to possession or enjoyment , was treated as something already in existence , which could be disposed of and would descend ( so far as it is inheritable ) just like a present estate .
27 In Kufra the police and , so far as it is possible to know , the secret police , were all Kufrans ; in Ajdabiya the officers reflected the tribal composition of the local population ( although their deputy chief was an outsider on temporary assignment for a few years ) .
28 because the verderers … and … the Steward of the Forest made no mention in their rolls of the name of the said page , nor of his delivery , nor of his escape , and the business of the King so far as it relates to the said boy is entirely undone , therefore they are in mercy .
29 The epitaph upon the old Forest system was finally written in the Wild Creatures and Forest Laws Act of 1971 , which abolished the sovereign 's prerogative right to wild creatures ( except royal fish and swans ) , and abrogated the Forest law , except in so far as it relates to the appointment and functions of verderers .
30 Wood which concluded : ‘ The non-treaty Nez Perces can not in law be regarded as bound by the treaty of 1863 ; and in so far as it attempts to deprive them of a right to occupancy on any land its provisions are null and void . ’
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