Example sentences of "so far [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We have so far limited our interpretation of " style " and " stylistics " to match the kind of activity in which we wish to engage : the study of language as used in literary texts , with the aim of relating it to its artistic functions .
2 Not once so far had they mentioned her by name , almost as though from some superstition .
3 The absence of a clear candidate was likely to result in a land torn by dispute and , because Arjun had not so far named anyone , it was to men like Burun that the others looked for indication of a preference .
4 ‘ What I liked in the books was the free open-air life , the spice of illegality and daring , roguish characters — the opportunities so far exceeding my own , the gun , the great pond , the country home , the apparently endless leisure — the glorious moments that one could always recapture by opening the Poacher — and the tinge of sadness here and there as in the picture of the old moucher perishing in his sleep by the lime kiln , and the heron flying over in the morning indifferent . ’
5 Digging will start in the summer of 1993 , with the excavation of selected buildings , as well as the examination of those areas in which the survey has so far revealed nothing , but which may produce underlying Minoan levels which can be investigated in the future .
6 She was so far gone she had got seriously stupid .
7 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
8 Labour yesterday put on the biggest gathering of the glitterati in the election campaign so far to underline its claim to be the party most famous people will vote for .
9 She had n't imagined that this woman could be at all assertive , but she was being exactly that now , and Alain had so far said nothing at all .
10 For months , British diplomats have been wondering what to do with this thoroughbred stallion , an official present to the Prime Minister which has so far caused him nothing but embarrassment .
11 In part it is nervousness , but mostly is youthful exuberance , an exuberance that has so far made his career and yet paradoxically also threatens it .
12 But while on the subject of confessing ignorance , I must also state that I have so far made it through life without witnessing or participating in an Orange Walk .
13 Commonwealth countries take the view that it is the limited sanctions so far applied which have done much to bring about the new climate represented by the de Klerk administration , and believe a turn of the screw would effect more change .
14 He liked his guests to give value for money ; this wordless young fellow had so far given none .
15 There 's only Alan so far says he 's got a problem .
16 It is the only card he has left in a game which has so far seen her win every hand .
17 Of course now he did n't have to walk quite so far to do his searching ; but a similar kind of dedication was still required of him , for The Bar contained in a way the streets of the whole city , there were men there from all the different parts of it .
18 — Clearly the words ‘ Now I am seeing this as apex ’ can not so far mean anything to a learner who has only just met the concepts of apex , base and so on — But I do not mean this as empirical proposition .
19 Some of those who did not possess a faith in God which was proof against all adversities now saw that the great hope of a relief force reaching them , which had so far buoyed them up , was an illusory one ; even if a relief now came , in many different ways it would be too late and not only because so many of the garrison were already dead ; India itself was now a different place ; the fiction of happy natives being led forward along the road to civilization could no longer be sustained .
20 To what extent , however , can the principles that we have looked at so far help us in designing an organisational structure ?
21 Initial enquiries at the plant have so far uncovered nothing .
22 Of course , it had n't so far done anything of the kind , and he had to arrive at the best thing to do in the circumstances .
23 The deadline for lodging the appeal is midnight tonight but UEFA have so far heard nothing from the Georgian club .
24 But the volunteers have had to borrow one hundred thousand pounds so far to set it up .
25 What has so far prevented them from becoming assimilated to each other is not only the fact that in the field of psychotherapy , differing theories do not readily and happily intermix , but that each theory tends to take sides ( without this necessarily being apparent ) in the eternal dialogue between youth and age .
26 If you have not had a child , what factors have so far prevented you ?
27 ( Remember Russell 's chicken ( Russell , 1959 , p. 35 ) , whose true beliefs about the regularity with which it had been fed so far led it into a false belief about the security of its future . )
28 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
29 Though you journey so far to see their ancient endeavours .
30 All the critics mentioned so far kept their criticism within certain limits .
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