Example sentences of "so far [conj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It was the worst raid so far but Maureen who had not yet returned to driving was with her mother in the shelter and Anne , who finished work at ten o'clock , had reached home , dodging from shelter to shelter .
2 Only in small things so far but Dexter was sure , thinking back to the taut image of the man sitting on his sofa the previous night , that he was lying about bigger things as well .
3 I beat the school 's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint , breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks ; I smash the school long jump record by 15 metres ( give or take a metre ) and I hurl the discus so far that Miss Harrison , the teacher in charge of the event , has to get her battered Mini from the car park to retrieve the discus for the next competitor ( who manages a measly 25cm ) .
4 This is the clearest evidence so far that Mr Gorbachev is willing to change his government 's plans in order to share authority with the federation council — the first step towards wider talks .
5 But they came the closest to looking like husband and wife so far when Charles handed Diana his pen after signing the visitors ' book at an Anglican Cathedral .
6 The churchyard had emptied , the wedding-carriages had rolled away , taking their fragile gaiety with them to another world so far as Cara was concerned .
7 It is in Darién , however — at least so far as Panama 's administrators are concerned .
8 Mrs Kelleher , Willie 's mother , was keeper of the gate and lived in its lodge — so far as Nicandra knew Silly-Willie had no father .
9 So far as Gassendi and ( as we shall see ) Locke were concerned this objection is misplaced for , having a modest and moral view of our proper concerns , they retain an element of scepticism about man 's ability to know .
10 She was next in line to Lily , five years older than the girl who had come to Riverstown and had the whole world in her pocket , so far as Bernadette could see .
11 My objections were originally on the grounds of freedom , rather than efficiency , although in the event , so far as Britain was concerned , socialism led more to stagnation than to tyranny .
12 For extra-Community trade , so far as Britain is concerned , the DNH has worked out how the two systems are to be meshed together , as the UK categories and monetary limits , although similar to those of the EC , are not identical .
13 Later he moved over and took his seat in Parliament , where he was able to exploit even grander notions , that public transport be nationalized and another Bill was placed before Parliament , with this in mind , at least in so far as London was concerned .
14 So far as JCT contracts are concerned , a useful publication is their Practice Note No 20 which gives guidance on the appropriate forms to use in particular circumstances .
15 Few could go so far as Musurus Pasha , who during his thirty-five years as Turkish ambassador in London staffed the embassy entirely with his sons , nephews and sons-in-law ; but even in the most developed states of western Europe and on the eve of the 1914 conflict family influences could still be important .
16 No problem arose so far as NHS general practitioners were concerned , except a very powerful dispute about the level of the compensation of junior doctors ; but with the consultants it was another story .
17 So far as UK law is concerned , the real question is the extent to which the Directive will require changes to the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , the Fair Trading Act 1973 , the Consumer Credit Act 1974 , the UCTA 1977 , the SGA1979 , and the SGSA 1982 .
18 It looked like some sort of play he was writing , so far as Bob could see .
19 But the baby , so far as Wendy could see , was in good order , firm of limb , bright of eye , smooth of skin and , once released from its wrapping , extremely lively .
20 The promotion was nothing more than a device to give Richard Sharpe some status on the Prince of Orange 's staff , but so far as Sharpe himself was concerned he was still a Rifleman .
21 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
22 Like clings to like , and in so far as Hilary Frome had friends of his own age — mostly he had followers — those friends were Willis and Quigly .
23 Well laid out , so far as Newman could see while she made the tea .
24 By December 1940 the news from the African front was very bad so far as Italy was concerned .
25 However , the most striking feature of the reforms resulting from the Maud Report , so far as England was concerned , was the institution of ‘ metropolitan counties ’ in the most heavily urbanised areas of that country .
26 He seems to have recognized — at least he did not dissent from the view — that so far as England was concerned , the choice lay with the king .
27 Beyond the immediate circumstances of this case , Anselm rejected , so far as England was concerned , the recent papal practice of entrusting to specially appointed legates large areas within which they had authority over all archbishops and bishops .
28 In so far as Whitehall had considered these matters it had been vaguely assumed that a status quo ante would be established and the Dutch in the Netherlands East Indies , the French in Indochina , and the Colonial Office in Burma and Malaya would resume their rightful sway .
29 We happen to lie in the line of sight so far as Algol is concerned ( or nearly so ) ; if we were observing from a different vantage point there would be no eclipses , and Algol would shine steadily .
30 ‘ The Mamur Zapt ? ’ said Suleiman , surprised but , so far as Owen could tell , not disconcerted .
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