Example sentences of "so far [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had n't done a bad job of dictating her actions so far but that did n't mean it had to continue .
2 Well over £1m has gone into the project so far but exact figures are not available .
3 This is the biggest amount raised so far but this year we hope to raise even more ’ .
4 It has been suggested so far that many academic lawyers and policemen share the view that where a woman has sexual intercourse with a man , she should be regarded in law as having consented to it save in exceptional circumstances as where violence or the threat of it is used .
5 But the pendulum had swung so far that some return to less than enthusiasm was inevitable .
6 But that does not simply mean Walker 's case but the law , whatever it might be , that the English court would apply in the absence of the Act of 1976 in the light of all relevant authorities including decisions , so far as helpful , of other Commonwealth jurisdictions .
7 So far as practical consequences are concerned , we need still to bear in mind how far this falls short of a general protection in rem ; difficulty , as always , would arise in proving the bad faith of the possessor .
8 We have no intention to emigrate so far as present plans are concerned .
9 Thus , in so far as middle-class women are more likely to perceive the low status of the housewife role , they are more likely than their working-class sisters to be dissatisfied with it .
10 These mechanics for transfer are strictly not dealt with through the post but the Filing and Record Department which is at Room 81 , Royal Courts of Justice , London WC2A 2LL although it is prepared to make an exception provided all of the documents , so far as applicable , set out in the above Practice Direction are sent to it by post ( an unofficial proforma provided to solicitors in fact repeats the list ) ; though in lieu of the proforma no doubt a letter referring to the items in the list would equally suffice .
11 Counsel for the defenders submitted essentially that the Lord Ordinary had erred in law in concluding that the declaration in the application form was part of a contract between the pursuers and the Alliance Building Society to which the provisions of the act applied , rather than concluding that the declaration was non-contractual in character and accordingly not caught by the provisions of the act so far as applicable to Scotland .
12 So far as alternative remedies are concerned , if the alternative is provided by statute then deference to Parliamentary intention can be called in aid of requiring recourse to the alternative .
13 So far as systematic training of diplomats was concerned , therefore , the eighteenth century saw projects and suggestions , but little lasting achievement .
14 In other ways , however , there is a continuity in these policies , especially in so far as inner-city and urban initiatives specifically target defined spatial areas and direct resources deliberately towards them through special schemes .
15 So far as Allied Colloids is concerned a great deal .
16 So far as elderly people in particular are concerned , there has been relatively little change in patterns of co-residence with relatives until the later part of the twentieth century ; although there have been some fluctuations , the overall pattern shows more continuities than changes .
17 ( 3 ) The particular factors referred to above are — ( a ) the nature and scale of the institution 's operations ; and ( b ) the risks inherent in those operations and , if the institution is a body corporate , in the operations of any other body corporate in the same group so far as capable of affecting the institution .
18 Claimants for social welfare provisions have not always been in a good position so far as procedural protection is concerned .
19 The immediate prospects are not promising for the child , at least in so far as primary schools are concerned .
20 In so far as millions of families live under economic conditions of existence that separate their mode of life , their interests and their culture from those of other classes … they form a class .
21 It seems to their Lordships that the petitioner can not be deprived of a right of appeal solely because the trial was divided into two parts , the first part dealing with the compromise issue and the cancellation issue and the second part , so far as necessary , dealing with the misconduct issue .
22 ( 2 ) Provided that the legal estate or interest in any land … which belongs to the partnership shall devolve according to the nature and tenure thereof , and the general rules of law thereto applicable , but in trust , so far as necessary , for the persons beneficially interested in the land under this section .
23 In so far as material conditions were more unpleasant , so human beings were more unpleasant .
24 So far as material culture is concerned , the Siberian peoples fell into two main categories .
25 We should proceed beyond the immediate results of experience only so far as legitimate inductions will take us .
26 There is nothing constitutionally mandatory about any such particular structure but , both in existing legislation and particularly so far as internal civil service organisation is concerned , such a structure is assumed and there are heavy administrative costs involved in change .
27 So far as new teachers are concerned , the implications of the new market ethos created by open enrolment and LMS are considerable .
28 These questions were , to a greater or lesser degree , part and parcel of the armed confrontation , in so far as each side had opposing views on them , but they were merely strands in the overall picture , not the underlying design .
29 By themselves the facts are neutral but in so far as moral views about the proper role of the media are based upon presumptions about facts , our empirical findings are bound to have moral implications .
30 His Lordship said the defendants were employed , so far as professional skill could , to relieve the wife from the pressures of her matrimonial situation .
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