Example sentences of "so it goes [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So she 's got her knuckles grazed , you 've cleansed it , put it into a drop of water , ra or else we 've used the Mediwipes or the end of the bandage okay , now we just cover it , okay , so it goes over , can you just straighten out your hand for me , it goes over the wound , okay and you can take this one that she can hold it for you just up there , right , now the rest of this just winds round , the only thing you really need to do is to just make sure that you leave the thumb out , cover up the bottom right and then come up towards the wrist , cover up the top of the pad , come back down again , leave the thumb out all the time , got the idea ?
2 What i what is really extraordinary I think is the way as you say that in nineteen fifty fifty one , fifty one fifty two , they actually , actually changed the tax schedules so it goes not from the three percent of the bottom , from six or seven percent of the bottom and only up to twenty five percent .
3 And so it goes on .
4 Pretending nothing unusual is happening he gives his wings one flutter , lifts the sunken foot and puts down the other — and so it goes on .
5 And so it goes on until he boards a ship about to set Voyager ( 15 , Curzon West End , 113 mins ) Europa ( 15 , Chelsea , Everyman , 114 mins ) sail for France and meets Sabeth , the pony-tailed young woman who is his ‘ fate ’ , leading him back to the woman he once loved and to his own Greek tragedy .
6 And so it goes on .
7 Thus , in order to fully appreciate Distant Voices , Still Lives , we would have to be familiar with the work of Lowry , Lawrence , Larkin et al — and to fully appreciate their work in turn demands familiarity with numerous other texts and artists , and so it goes on .
8 And so it goes on .
9 There are teenage clubs , pre-teens groups , Young Wives , OAPs , and so it goes on .
10 And so it goes on .
11 Then comes another spring , and fresh buds ; and so it goes on , always the same and always new .
12 And so it goes on .
13 And so it goes on , the more units you connect .
14 Someone crashes into their car ; soon after that the house is burgled ; then a neighbour dies ; then they discover dry rot in the living room — and so it goes on .
15 Higher prices from any of the above sources put upward pressure on pay ; higher pay deals then lead to a further round of prices rises and so it goes on .
16 One writer copies the other without checking the facts — and so it goes on .
17 So it goes on .
18 And so it goes on .
19 The frightening film of the American Airlines DC-10 from which an engine fell clear during take-off from Chicago must have been shown on more television screens than any other comparable occurrence , and so it goes on until we reach the most horrifying event involving the South Korean Boeing 747 which was deliberately shot down north of Japan by Soviet Russian fighters with the loss of 269 lives .
20 And so it goes on : cases which are obviously only the tip of the iceberg since they relate to repeated absence caused by serious illness of a relative .
21 Whereas I scurry aimlessly from this to that , thought Alix , as she drove through the dark evening : they block one path , I try another , and so it goes on , thought Alix , who at times thought no such thing , and was not thinking it now with much conviction .
22 And so it goes on .
23 They named a different brand or disk drive ; a different Windows accelerator ; and so it goes on .
24 and so it goes on .
25 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
26 They must wish and not wish ; they must by no means give and they must certainly not withhold encouragement — and so it goes on , each precept cancelling the last , and most of them negative .
27 So it goes on , with mentions of current ripples up to 10 feet and more in height , a gravel delta 200 square miles in area , the stripping off of the loess cover over an area of almost 2000 square miles and so on .
28 And so it goes on .
29 And so it goes on .
30 And so it goes on .
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