Example sentences of "her room at the " in BNC.

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1 Her jaw and cheekbone were broken , and her room at The Green residential home in Redruth , Cornwall , was splattered with blood .
2 She also suffered a broken jaw and cheekbone in the attack in her room at the home where she was the eldest resident .
3 In her room at the Hôtel des Indes in The Hague she contracted pneumonia which turned to pleurisy .
4 After her small bedroom at home , where beloved old ornaments belonging once to her mother jostled for space with a basket of ironing she had n't yet had time for , and nursing textbooks that would n't fit on her one small bookshelf , or her room at the nurses ' home , where exotic travel posters — gleaned from a travel agent next to her father 's hardware shop — could n't disguise the institutional plainness of the furnishings , this room seemed palatial .
5 It had n't taken her long to clear out her room at the nurses ' home this morning , and her father had come over at lunch to take several boxes of things back to his suburban home for storage .
6 The plan — a simple one — was for the Tongue to be stolen immediately after Laura had installed herself in her room at The Randolph .
7 ‘ They will cheer up her room at the Goldener Adler . ’
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