Example sentences of "can perhaps [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , the task of transferring the central focus from the child to the older relative has not yet been attempted , and this chapter can perhaps be viewed as a small beginning to such a process .
2 The Tibetan Plateau can perhaps be viewed as the ‘ pressure gauge ’ of Asia , with the pressure applied by the Indian continent against Eurasia maintaining its considerable elevation .
3 These were the groups which had suffered most from the dislocations of the war , and an element of class antagonism can perhaps be detected in their hatred of wealthy Whig financiers and rich local Dissenters ( especially the Presbyterians ) .
4 Huge cuts in EPA 's research Funds ( down by nearly 50 per cent since Reagan took office ) can perhaps be justified on the grounds that , in hard times , scientific priorities can be temporarily reshuffled with little or no long-term damage .
5 It can perhaps be said that the bereavement care teams who usually now come to help at such times are the public recognition of this phenomenon .
6 However , it is not known whether the courts would accept this argument , because it can perhaps be said that the shares management acquire in Newco are acquired pursuant to ( though not causally connected to ) an opportunity offered to management ( namely to buy Target or its business ) by reason of their employment/directorships with the vendor or Target .
7 erm Yes , certainly , I , I would suggest East and St Clements because they have got quite high ethnic populations , and we can perhaps be hoping to start there , because Environmental Health 's already worked there , targeting some of the multi-occupation properties , so they 've got a very high proportion of black people living there , which means that they 're also quite important in the sense of deprivation , but , I mean , we are also very conscious that we should be working on a council estate , and what we , what I would like to do is to simultaneously be starting working in erm a particular sets of communities , is to be given work in consultation in other wards , so that you know , six months down the line before .
8 She may have been aged as young as 12 , the legal age of maturity for women ( her parents ' marriage can perhaps be dated to 829 ) and so about seven years younger than Charles .
9 The attitude to the Belgian state within that country can perhaps be illustrated by an anecdote .
10 The postclassical version of human rationality and motivation can perhaps be illustrated by taking a simple example — my relationship with the laws against speeding when I am driving home late at night .
11 But it can perhaps be seen as an architectural expression of that scented fin de siècle fascination with the Near East that produced in this period such works as Massenet 's opera Thaïs and Strauss 's Salome and the luxuriant novels of Pierre Loti and Pierre Louys .
12 Anderson and Roberts can perhaps be seen as offering us different facets of essentially a similar situation , where feelings of affection and concepts of duty are taken into calculations about mutual advantage based on material considerations .
13 The judges ' deliberate promotion of the Second Empire can perhaps be explained from the standpoint of patronage .
14 The fact that different dowsers can get very different results on the same site can perhaps be explained as the interaction between their own energy field and the field of the site , so that the dowsing patterns found can only have true meaning by looking at the dowser as well .
15 This ‘ determined hostility of the Socialist Party generally and of the Trade Union movement in particular ’ which Leo Amery later described as a ‘ curious feature ’ ( Amery , 1955 , p. 206 ) of the movement for family allowances can perhaps be explained by two factors .
16 This case can perhaps be explained on policy grounds as the plaintiff was a rescuer and the courts do not wish to deter rescue .
17 These can perhaps be achieved by setting in individual subjects .
18 Competition fighting can perhaps be likened to a game of chess ; a player only improves by continually playing against another chess player better than himself .
19 Proof-pulling for instance can perhaps be regarded as a mixed process , requiring both strength and skill .
20 The other is that the English landscape has never been static but has always been changing , for better or worse Today we are passing through a period which can perhaps be regarded as a disaster .
21 The relation between the effects of habituation and those implied by the Pearce — Hall model can perhaps be made clear if we adopt the elaboration offered by Liddell ( 1950 ) of Pavlov 's notion of the orienting reflex .
22 The beauty and achievements of Bohemian art can perhaps be called Czech only with an effort , but there is no doubt of the attachment of a people to the heritage that they can rightly claim .
23 In this way it can perhaps be argued that the underlying rationale for the existence of the Eurocurrency market has been somewhat undermined , hence the classification by the BIS statistics to encompass the whole International Banking Market , of which the Euromarket is a part .
24 For example , the probable universal existence of tag-questions ( under a functional definition ) can perhaps be related to the universal operation of rules of turn-taking that allow as one option the ending of current speaker 's turn by a selection of a next speaker .
25 ‘ The actual decision in the Manchester Corporation case can perhaps be supported , as Mr. Waterhouse suggested , on the argument that the libel there was not capable of referring to a corporation consisting ( as the plaintiffs did ) of the mayor , aldermen and citizens , and not , as here , of the chairman and councillors .
26 We are in close touch with our allies on this matter to see the ways by which assistance can perhaps be given , and contracts can be placed , for valuable work to be done which would occupy such scientists , in addition to the part that they might also play more directly in some of the work involved in the dismantling and disabling programme of that massive nuclear arsenal .
27 But his whole account can perhaps be understood so as to avoid such objections .
28 Your review of two books on crime ( April 3rd ) makes the brazen statement that Italy ‘ can perhaps be forgiven for producing so many American gangsters . ’
29 A change in Eisenhower 's thinking on the USSR can perhaps be traced back to the visit by Churchill and Eden at the end of June 1954 .
30 The reason can perhaps be found in the fact that company law as an academic discipline boasts no long and distinguished pedigree .
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