Example sentences of "can still be found " in BNC.

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1 The mulberry can grow to a very great age , and some of those planted over 380 years ago can still be found .
2 Among the earliest souvenirs to be hawked to the victorious Allied troops who marched into Beirut on 8 October 1917 was a horrific picture postcard , old copies of which can still be found in the antiquarian bookshop that sells the David Roberts lithographs on Makhoul Street .
3 Although very large dogs can still be found , they do not excel in the show ring or in the trials arenas .
4 I feel this is possibly not a good thing at this present time , when every spectrum of Rottweiler size , shape and type can still be found in the show ring : further expansions of the gene pool can only have a destructive effect .
5 A revealing spectrum can still be found today among species of hydra — small , sedentary , tentacled animals , like freshwater sea anemones .
6 Old binders can still be found at farm sales , but few are in good working order and spare parts and canvases may cost more than the machines themselves .
7 The heroic lay had been the fare of royal and princely halls in earlier centuries ; and traces of these , as they survived in Iceland in later times , can still be found in the poetic Edda .
8 The common doormouse , despite its name , is now quite rare but can still be found where there is thick scrub and hazel coppice .
9 But other more reasonably priced ‘ Bristol Views ’ plates can still be found in antique shops , at fairs and even , with luck , at car boot sales .
10 This overwhelms the sea , such that freshwater can still be found well out of sight of land !
11 Some of his inventions in the field of navigational instruments can still be found in the island .
12 Here , faint traces can still be found of man-made images which show that , in one respect at least , our club-wielding predecessors were just like us : they had the urge to record the important happenings in their lives in the form of two-dimensional pictures .
13 An important assessment of the state of the subject is provided by the Leeds Festschrift ( Harden 1956a ) which can be seen to develop many of the traditional themes ; the study of the Jutes of Kent , by C.F.C. Hawkes , stimulated by the latest typologies and chronologies of grave-goods on the Continent ( Werner 1935 ; Kuhn 1940 ) was one of the last studies employing the traditional methodology , although its influence can still be found in more recent work ( Hawkes and Pollard 1981 ) .
14 The traditional dependence on a literal version of written sources is absent , although elsewhere such a dependence can still be found , particularly in discussion of the origin of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms ( Biddle 1976 ; Hope-Taylor 1977 , 276–324 ) .
15 One of the reasons why items well over 150 years old can still be found in many houses today is that to look after linen properly it was ‘ rested ’ between laundering and use .
16 The sand octopus , the smallest octopus in the world , can still be found at Ting-Kok .
17 First , a TD ( they can still be found ) in the Argentiere basin from a Ravanel father-and-son team .
18 Lafaille 's climbs give vivid illustration that adventure can still be found , even in the world 's most crowded massif .
19 Though stronger and brighter than the eye colours of recent seasons these shades can still be found naturally if you study the greys , blues and blacks in the iris of your own eyes .
20 Although examples of their work can still be found today , a newer , rather more modern artist has also discovered the humble screen .
21 Stretches of this can still be found descending on Peebles from the north and , south of the town , across a ford on the Haystoun burn and over Kailzie hill , heading onwards over the Ettrick Water towards the Border .
22 It was traditionally associated with the Veramin and Tehran weavers of north central Persia and can still be found in some Persian village and workshop items .
23 ‘ Urban villages ’ can still be found in some parts of Britain .
24 Indeed it can still be found in our own time , in some individual cases but also in new forms of patronage .
25 And there is almost no limit to the ways you can reorganize the space in some of those old Victorian and Edwardian wardrobes that can still be found .
26 Whereas , as we have seen , primal societies use the initiation and totemic rituals to instil whatever rudimentary superego-formation is necessary for the conduct of their social life , modern societies have more or less totally abandoned these rituals and anything resembling them ( although vestiges of them can still be found in some educational and penal institutions ) .
27 Several more substantial gentry houses can still be found in the rural parts of Dronfield 's large parish .
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