Example sentences of "can still [be] heard " in BNC.

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1 Occasional gunshots can still be heard , though no one seems to know who fires the guns and if anyone is hit .
2 It was built in 1965 , using the underframe of Pantograph car 170 , whose distinctive running noises can still be heard beneath the superstructure .
3 Dyed-in-the-wool Labourites can still be heard muttering oaths into their beards against ‘ cellphone socialists ’ — barely one step up the political rung from those most reviled of all creatures , champagne socialists .
4 Despite all the hype , hate and hysteria that has gone before , something magical and mysterious can still be heard shuffling around in the dark , and this celebration is the spotlight that picks it out .
5 At the beginning of the season , portions of last year 's song can still be heard .
6 Good diction can still be heard occasionally , particularly on Radio 3 , so that no one who wishes to improve himself need lack exemplars ; yet many people are content to mumble and fumble their words .
7 The phrase " mobile , lucid and continent " can still be heard on the lips of Officers-in-Charge who remember when this was the case .
8 The interior is finished in leather and boasts luxuries such as a compact disc player which can still be heard clearly at 200mph .
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