Example sentences of "can be shown [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But nothing can be shown to remain absolutely invariable over any length of time ; so how can we be certain that identity can be legitimately applied to anything ?
2 If what ( 102 ) entailed was : ( 104 ) You are Napoleon and you are socially superior to ( or socially distant from ) me , the speaker Then ( 105 ) would have to have one reading under which it meant ( 106 ) , which it clearly does not have : ( 105 ) Vous n'etes pas Napoleon ( 106 ) You are Napoleon , and you are not socially superior to ( or socially distant from ) me , the speaker Exactly the same , and additional , arguments can be shown to hold for the complex honorifics of " exotic " languages .
3 There are other aspects of what has become a multiculturalist or antiracist orthodoxy which can be shown to replicate in many ways the volkish new right sense of the relationship between race , nation and culture — kin blood and ethnic identity .
4 From such a general classification , discussed in detail below , two very general conclusions can be shown to emerge : that several categories of small towns saw the provision of some form of internal street network to meet the needs of their inhabitants and that the existence of such a system , coupled with other morphological and functional indicators , might well reflect a higher degree of internal organization and urban complexity .
5 Among those whose practice can be shown to conform to this approach , there can I think be no doubt that the most important , in contemporary social science , have been the historians of the Annales school .
6 That is the analogue of [ 5b ] with unc Similarly , a polariser can be shown to act linearly .
7 Most cases of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus can be shown to arise in CLO that is already present and the incidence of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagis is rising .
8 This leaves U and M invariant but , by considering the line element ( 11.6 ) , the Ernst function Z can be shown to transform as ( 12.20 )
9 Such societies make the conflicts of history irreducible to Sartre 's logic unless , like the boxing match , they can be shown to take part in a larger totalizable category .
10 The relationship between par yields and spot yields can be shown using the following example .
11 The sources of this species of pragmatic inference can be shown to lie outside the organization of language , in some general principles for cooperative interaction , and yet these principles have a pervasive effect upon the structure of language .
12 Male contacts of women with trichomonal vaginitis can be shown to harbour the organism in a certain proportion of cases , and this proportion can be increased if extra care and time is taken looking for the protozoon .
13 The kind of language game in which we talk about ‘ the back of ’ something is one in which that expression has meaning because it has evolved out of all kinds of activity in which ‘ backs ’ exist and can be shown to exist , because verified either by our own movement through space-time or by that of other persons , or both .
14 As we have seen , however , sign codes , although they can be shown to exist and function as language codes ( see chapter 10 ) , do not behave in exactly the same way as speech codes .
15 In this chapter we have been concerned with interpreting patterns of variation in speech communities with reference to the norms that can be shown to exist at varying levels of abstraction and generality .
16 The difficulty with this argument is that whatever factor of psycho-social pathology is associated with racism or racists can be shown to exist just as widely in other institutions , or groups .
17 Under fairly weak conditions , with only one decision variable , such a ‘ local ’ equilibrium can be shown to exist ( Kramer and Klevorick , 1974 ) , but whether it provides a persuasive resolution to the ‘ majority voting paradox ’ depends on the extent to which choices are limited to small perturbations of the existing situation .
18 These advantages can not , however , be considered to be worth while unless they can be shown to lead to better glycaemic control or a reduction of long term complications of diabetes , or both .
19 Any reduction in orbital speed by the action of an additional force can be shown to lead to shrinkage of the orbit .
20 The air of human drama and of history in the making is especially potent in times of crisis , when leaders can be shown locked in combat , for example Reagan with Gadaffi over the US bombing of Libya in April 1986 .
21 The general components of the stress tensor can be shown to bear the relation to where is now the force in the j-direction on the unit area with normal along i .
22 The better view ( both for the logic of the law and for press freedom ) is that the expression of opinion may still be defended as " fair comment " if it can be shown to satisfy the test of whether a hypothetical fair-minded man could honestly express the opinion on the proven facts .
23 Translated into the context of positive political decision-making , this can be shown to mean that the only voting methods that can guarantee the existence of an equilibrium under every possible pattern of individual preferences are dictatorial ( for a precise statement , see for example Wilson , 1970 , and Kramer , 1977b ) .
24 By using quasielastic light scattering , the micellar system can be shown to contain monodisperse , spherical aggregates with an average radius of 22.7Å .
25 While EC competition law has nothing equivalent to the wide ‘ public-interest ’ test of UK law , Article 85(3) does permit the granting of exemptions for agreements between firms that can be shown to produce beneficial effects .
26 We are not likely to find a cause as precisely as the tubercle bacillus can be shown to produce tuberculosis .
27 That problematic can not be identical to Hegel 's because both Hegel and Marx define historical time in terms of the social totality : insofar as their definitions of the social totality can be shown to differ , so also will their concepts of historical time .
28 Unless the system can be shown to reproduce it more efficiently than any existing system it is probably not worth considering .
29 They can be shown to range from sites entirely dependent upon the main road frontages , through those which developed a system of irregular internal streets and lanes , to the few with some form of organized street plan .
30 For a long time , workers on this topic have debated whether defined origins of replication are involved , as they are in bacteria , but only now count Arturo Falaschi ( ICGB , Trieste ) reported that in one area at least of the wild-type human genome replication can be shown to begin in a single defined phase .
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