Example sentences of "can not think [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ruling groups have found that their interests are best safeguarded if they are supported by a work force which can not think for itself in the coherent way writing affords .
2 I can not think of my own knowledge of the physical world in terms of my dispositions to behave , but only as my dispositions , construed as operating in the world of which
3 Scorn will heaped on the book by people who can not think of the countryside as anything other than a marketable resource , or those who think they are being environmentally perceptive because they call a gate a peripherial access point and a path a mountain access route .
4 He can not think of anyone else currently playing who can do that .
5 Many people can not think of playing music or listening to it until six o'clock in the evening .
6 I honestly can not think of one good thing which Labour proposes to do .
7 But there is no question so difficult that Mr Kinnock can not think of a more difficult answer .
8 I can not think of one argument against staying warm and dry .
9 I can not think of anything that happened that day which I would have wished otherwise .
10 ‘ I am anxious that you should stay here until I return and I can not think of a better way of making sure you do than by putting you in charge of my property , ’ he explained .
11 ‘ How are you ? ’ — ‘ I 'm fine ’ , and talk about the weather are designed to make another individual feel comfortable , to let them know that we are positively disposed towards them when we can not think of anything more significant to say .
12 If you can not think of anything to be angry about , you need help .
13 Any team which can not think of a new rhyme , or repeats one that has been chosen earlier , drops out until only one team is left .
14 Those who make a mistake , or can not think of a word beginning with their letter , drop out .
15 Among grasses , I can not think of a single one that is not lovely .
16 As a nurse I can not think of a healthier diet to follow and can see no disadvantages in it .
17 In my 25 years of watching international rugby I have seen many incidents of violence and can not think of any country that is blameless .
18 I can not think of any flower that does not press better for being taken apart , although of course you will have to spend time putting it back together again when you want to use it .
19 She never met any men until she met the young man whom I can not think of as my father .
20 Since no child has no things they do not especially like , what parents really mean is that they ( the parents ) can not think of anything .
21 In looking back to his playing days , you can not think of him without Jim Shackleton .
22 I can not think of any United States naval officer whom I would sooner have in his place in those near-impossible circumstances .
23 She never could have done in Europe what she did in New York ; I can not think of an artist who points up this issue more clearly and I can not understand why she of all people was left out of the show .
24 Now I could write a book on Workers I have known and they are worth a mention here , because I can not think of any other branch of agriculture , but organics , where people will almost pay to work for you .
25 I can not think of anything that would have made the loss of the election from my point of view more certain .
26 Even if you can not think of anything else to write , sit there — something might come .
27 I can not think of your offer without equal concern and gratitude ; however , I will rely wholly upon your goodness in assisting my escape .
28 In fact , I can not think of any great golfers afflicted with legs divergent from the normal .
29 We 'd just have no I just can not think of it .
30 In the nineteen years that I have been in Parliament , I can not think of anyone , save for Enoch Powell , who has been a more powerful advocate of liberal economics than John Biffen .
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