Example sentences of "can point to the " in BNC.

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1 Historians can point to the philosophical views which underlay this ambition , and artists and sculptors were in various ways affected by the demonstration of its realisation in the theatre built for the composer at Bayreuth .
2 On the positive side CAMRA can point to the success of the independent brewers , many of whom would not exist today but for the interest in cask ale generated by the Campaign .
3 With hindsight one can point to the underground man complaining that if he could manage even to loaf and idle around wholeheartedly he would be able to call himself a lazy man .
4 Those who have always believed that the war was between Maronites and the rest — the forces of the Gemayels and the Chamouns against Lebanese Muslims and Palestinians — can point to the Phalangist massacre , on 13 April 1975 , of 27 Palestinians who were travelling by bus through the Beirut suburb of Ein al-Rumaneh .
5 Nevertheless , several groups continued to work on nomenclature problems and one can point to the French Saint-Etienne meeting of 1897 , and the independent work of Hantzsch , Widman and von Baeyer , which laid the foundation of modern organic nomenclature .
6 The former can point to the great difference between doubt and unbelief and the latter to the great similarity .
7 In addition to the objections already raised , such as the promotion of the goal of utilitarianism by questionable means , we can point to the fact that as compared with sarvodaya it shows a lack of humanity .
8 Those who advocate caution in allowing a rapid decline in interest rates , and in consequence a further devaluation of the pound , can point to the period of sterling 's membership of the ERM as the most effective discipline the UK has experienced — an incentive to force down both inflation and interest rates .
9 To choose one of many examples , I can point to the case of Nottingham-born Herol Graham , whose parents came from Jamaica and gave him no support in his sporting endeavours , at first in sprinting and then in boxing where he made his mark as a light-middleweight .
10 More recently , one can point to the ways in which the press covers industrial relations news or news about welfare .
11 For example , a number of groups have described patients who can point to the location of briefly flashed stimuli , even though they deny seeing them .
12 Furthermore , the dealer can point to the oil stocks that have made investors good money , e.g. Monument Oil and Gas , Clyde Petroleum , Cluff Oil , Britoil .
13 If " adornment " is to be identified in linguistic patterns which have no semantic utility , we can point to the alliterations clustered in the last few lines .
14 As regards the first set of causes one can point to the conservative/speculative behaviour of British financial institutions ( discussed in chapter 3 ) ; the failure to develop fully the advanced multi-divisional forms of capitalist enterprise ; the continuing low social valuation of ‘ industry ’ relative to the ‘ liberal professions ’ ; and the relative paucity of commercially-relevant research and development .
15 But her opponents can point to the majority vote against her , split , largely speaking , between the Labour Party and the Liberal/SDP Alliance .
16 Many people can point to the part of their bodies where the pain is felt .
17 Despite this criticism , pluralists can point to the fact that the share of military expenditure as a percentage of GDP has not constantly risen since 1945 — there were definite downturns after Korea and Vietnam .
18 As evidence of the Greeks ' Dionysiac perception , we can point to the dark side of their mythology : Titanic wars and heroes ; the agonies of Prometheus , Oedipus , Orestes ; and the definitive wisdom of Silenus , the satyr companion of Dionysus : the best thing is not to be born — the next best is to die soon .
19 If , however , another user is cut by a razor which manufacturer A supplied after May 1991 , this user can point to the safer design of manufacturer B's razor as evidence that the razor which cut him was not as safe as persons were ( at the time manufacturer A supplied it ) entitled to expect .
20 NATO will now restrict itself to only one nuclear system , as opposed to the Soviet Union — or Russia now — with three , and we in NATO can point to the fact that we will soon have about one tenth the number of nuclear warheads that we had 10 years ago .
21 The rest of this chapter is concerned with Rolle 's ability to find literary means of engaging in various ways with the Passion story so that he can point to the transforming experience of truth , " kynde knowynge " , which is the aim of the meditative exercise .
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