Example sentences of "can [adv] be claimed " in BNC.

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1 As a source of power , it can only be claimed and used if others recognise and accept it as a source of power .
2 It can not be claimed that Leapor is the most obscure of these writers ; indeed , her work has been noticed in the past by some very highly regarded poets and critics .
3 Other disablement benefits can not be claimed once an individual has reached pensionable age , implying that disability is a normal part of old age .
4 A trust can not be claimed on the basis of the words ‘ See that you look after the fields , and so it will come about that my son may give you your sons . ’
5 Ulpian says a trust can not be claimed .
6 Building society interest is taxed under a special arrangement , and basic-rate tax does not have to be paid on it , but a tax refund can not be claimed .
7 While it certainly can not be claimed to be a panacea for all ills , and no system of therapeutics has yet turned out to be that , it is an approach which I would not like to be without .
8 So , while regression can not be claimed to be the be-all and end-all of therapeutic treatment , it is certainly an important stage .
9 Not only is the method of demonstration the same but , given the research that novelists do , it can not be claimed that their dialogue is wholly invented .
10 Lawyers seeking to interpret the judgment believe that land held under freehold title can not be claimed by aborigines , but that vacant Crown land can be .
11 But it can not be claimed that the unity implied in the term ‘ Final Peace ’ was achieved , either then or later .
12 It can not be claimed that even as much testing as was possible of the information retrieval systems during the Resource Centre Project has been applied to the discussion in these subsequent pages .
13 Earnings from work of manual and non-manual workers have become slightly less unequal though the same can not be claimed for the value of such fringe benefits as sick pay , retirement pensions , subsidies for cars , private schooling , house purchase , etc .
14 What can not be claimed is that education is always the cause and economic growth the effect .
15 It can not be claimed that this machinery was very successful and the Thatcher Government rapidly did away with it .
16 It can not be claimed as evidence of their effectiveness .
17 Benefit can not be claimed to assist with paying the remaining 20% .
18 What in general can not be claimed for him is a specially high level of distinction as a designer .
19 Damage to business property can not be claimed under the Act .
20 We have had a couple of occasions where the money can not be claimed back recently , so this is just to inform you of the position that the insurers are taking .
21 We should not , however , expect a question for the initial verb alone since this is only possible in English for verbs which describe something as being , in some as yet ill-defined sense , " done " to their objects : ( 69 ) what did Rafferty do to the cistern ? and this can not be claimed for the verbs preceding clausal adjectives any more than for a verb which precedes an explicit subordinate clause .
22 it can not be claimed that the competition is easy , but the experience is incomparable and the rewards worth fighting for .
23 In case D both partner and rest of the world shares have risen therefore it can not be claimed that the effects of integration have been to reduce dependence upon non-partner countries .
24 As these young people were already disturbed these factors can not be claimed to have predated disturbed behaviour , but they did exist prior to the appearance of psychotic-like disorders .
25 Interest can not be claimed on judgments or orders made before 1 July 1991 .
26 Costs can not be claimed before Legal Aid is granted or beyond the Green Form limit or any limitation on a Legal Aid certificate .
27 Repayment can not be claimed from a person who is in receipt of income support or family credit under the social security scheme ( s17(9) ) .
28 It can scarcely be claimed , therefore , that the political systems of the world in the mid-twentieth century revealed a very widespread practice of democracy — though the principle was more widely asserted — even in the narrow constitutional sense of the right of all adult citizens to choose their political leaders by means of free elections .
29 It can scarcely be claimed that these questions have yet been answered in such a manner as to transform Marx 's very general model into a systematic and well-supported theory of historical development .
30 It can scarcely be claimed that this provides a much more authoritative or even revealing account of the composition of the Pactus than does the shorter prologue , but it is nevertheless worthy of some consideration .
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