Example sentences of "what can [be] called " in BNC.

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1 Choreographers however should avoid what can be called a purely technical analysis of the music by matching particular patterns of steps to particular musical phrases whenever they appear .
2 Choreographers today also need to understand what can be called a Grammar of Choreography if their work is to emerge as a valid stage presentation .
3 It is this particular way of playing which makes Ashton 's La Fille Mal Gardée what can be called a National Ballet in the same sense that both The Firebird and Petrushka can be called Russian National Ballets and Rodeo and Fall River Legend American .
4 Such theories have helped to free dancers from the strict conventions of classical technique and to develop what can be called body language .
5 They sometimes create what can be called highly intellectual concepts such as the case-history of a mental patient , which require a distinctive style .
6 Among the supporters of what can be called , for want of a better term , the democrats are three important groups .
7 Both legal literature and the documentary evidence attest the use of what can be called trust clauses , as well as the practice of using for a single disposition the wording of both legacy and trust .
8 A further factor tempering government enthusiasm for LDDC relates to what can be called the ‘ Prince Charles ’ Factor .
9 Without some amount of what can be called ‘ relationship skill ’ we will commit many ‘ well-meaning blunders ’ which can cause a lot of hurt .
10 Whether the worker directs his anger outwards or inwards he is in a fix ; what can be called a ‘ double bind ’ .
11 a certain type of complexity , the unity of a structured whole containing what can be called levels or instances which are distinct and ‘ relatively autonomous ’ , and coexist within this complex structural unity , articulated with one another according to specific determinations , fixed in the last instance by the level or instance of the economy .
12 At the other end of the scale are what can be called ‘ sensitised district health authorities ’ such as Tower Hamlets or South East London Commissioning Agency , where the district health authority retains all the strength of combined purchasing power but seeks to maximise general practitioners ' participation in decisions about what is commissioned .
13 The caveat , to state it simply , is that it is to be taken as a view of only our conception of what can be called standard effects : all those where the effects are not decisions , choices , like mental acts of persons , or ensuing actions .
14 The given connection between causal circumstance and effect is in fact the principal instance of what can be called fundamental nomic connection or fundamental necessary connection .
15 ( Hempel and Oppenheim , 1953 ; Hempel , 1965 ) These different analyses may appear to describe a connection in reality by way of what can be called our linguistic response to it , or the character of our belief about it .
16 Given that the coin was put in , it was then a matter of what can be called real chance that the bar came out .
17 They are what can be called logical , conceptual , or formal relations rather than causal relations .
18 Mental events are contained in rather than identical with what can be called personal epistemic facts .
19 It does not concern all , either , of what can be called the mental .
20 Firstly , just as recent theories of the mind suggest there is not one but multiple kinds of intelligence ( Gardner , 1983 ) , so too the notion of vision seems to involve a variety of mental capacities , what can be called visionary style .
21 My view , which locates racism in the core of politics , contrasts sharply with what can be called the coat-of-paint theory of racism ( Gilroy , 1987 ) .
22 The occupational community becomes what can be called an ‘ encapsulated community ’ , a village within the village , suspicious of and resistant to any intimate social contact with the commuters and second-home owners who now comprise a substantial proportion of the population .
23 Purchasing involves important decisions about quality , price , quantity and delivery — the key elements of what can be called the ‘ purchasing mix ’ .
24 The principles of effective choral writing are fairly straightforward , and mostly comprise exploitation of the choir 's colouristic resources in what can be called ‘ choral orchestration ’ , coupled with simple variation in the density of voices and a limited use of contrapuntal effects .
25 The novelty of such a situation will be more apparent if we compare with it what can be called the classical situation of the ancient world between 600 and 300 B.C. It has become a commonplace , after Karl Jaspers ' Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte — the first original book on history to appear in post-war Germany in 1949 — to speak of the Achsenzeit , of the axial age , which included the China of Confucius and Lao-Tse , the India of Buddha , the Iran of Zoroaster , the Palestine of the Prophets and the Greece of the philosophers , the tragedians and the historians .
26 To recall Vaitsos ' point , it is not the foreignness of the firm that makes the difference but the foreignness of the product and its technology , what can be called its transnationality within the global capitalist system .
27 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
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