Example sentences of "what is usually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The directors of this project found that it was not enough simply to do what is usually done when there is a desire to maximize the performance of paraprofessionals , that is , to provide them with appropriate training .
2 The inter-urban tram falls between what is usually understood by ‘ train ’ and ‘ tram ’ .
3 I mean , they know just as well as disabled people what is usually understood in terms of the professional — client relationship .
4 In fact what is usually observed are negative casts around the original structure which may be studied by scanning electron microscopy ( Janaway 1985 ) .
5 If we take this point of view , it seems that we will gain a better understanding of the history of what is usually called standard English , because we will be able to separate out those issues that primarily involve the development of standard ( prescriptive or codified ) norms from those that do not .
6 The growth of what is usually called the middle class has largely been the result of the increasing amount of white-collar work .
7 Such archived information is frequently used in research because it is more or less free ; but , to avoid fallacious conclusions arising from what is usually called secondary analysis , we must be prepared to think critically about the source , reliability and consistency of the data involved .
8 What is usually glossed over is the fact that , in the process , democracy came to be " liberalised " in that its radical and egalitarian ideals were softened so that , in practice , democratic politics worked within the prevailing system of power in economy and society .
9 The simplest and most fundamental aspect of cognisance ( fundamental philosophically and developmentally ) is what is usually referred to as ‘ self-world dualism ’ : the knowledge that there is a physical world out there of which I am an experiencer and that is distinct from me .
10 The very headings in the model presuppose some kind of conceptual framework for thinking about what is to be taught ; what is usually referred to in the literature as ‘ curriculum theory ’ rather than ‘ curriculum development ’ .
11 A relativist will deny that there is a unique category , ‘ science ’ , that is intrinsically superior to other forms of knowledge , although it may well be that individuals or communities place a high value on what is usually referred to as science .
12 In the Sirte Basin of eastern Libya , there are magnificent cliff sections , running literally for hundreds of miles , in what is usually referred to as the Marada Formation , of early Miocene ( Burdigalian ) age .
13 Workshops , day schools , short and more intensive courses about women 's literature and history and psychology and health , for example , have become a feature of every self-respecting liberal studies programme ; whilst courses in self-defence , assertiveness training , women 's sexuality , welfare rights , peace studies and feminist politics have helped to reconstitute what is usually defined as a relevant curriculum for women .
14 Both of these assertions , though questionable , attest to the kind of currency James enjoyed in what is usually regarded as a purely Pauline sphere of influence .
15 It would be unfair to leave the discussion of the later Wordsworth without a rejoinder to what is usually said .
16 What is usually said about the invention of printing is that it greatly expanded an earlier minority culture , and at last made it into a majority culture .
17 Comparative study ( of different languages , dialects , styles , etc. ) can make explicit what is usually taken for granted about language .
18 However , even if it is a matter of putting different variables in boxes on a sheet of paper and following through likely relationships qualitatively — a far cry from what is usually meant by systems analysis — it is a further intellectual advance on the black box approach to ‘ social factors ’ .
19 A useful definition of what is usually meant by the term ‘ class reader ’ is provided by Foggin in Protherough 's book , Developing Response to Fiction .
20 Beginning in what is usually considered the gastronomically adventurous South East , the gamble was backed by a £1m television advertising campaign that featured a barn full of happy animals celebrating their improvement in life expectancy .
21 This is linked to population decline in what is usually portrayed as a vicious circle of cause and effect : as services decline people react by out-migrating , which leads to further fall in demand and a consequent further reduction in service provision ( Bracey 1970 ) .
22 What is usually found is cells with massive receptive fields with very non-specific receptive field properties .
23 In 1568 Matthew Parker , Archbishop of Canterbury , published a revision of what is usually known as the Great Bible , of nearly thirty years earlier .
24 It is , therefore , with a sense of mounting horror that one listens to Acheson sounding the knell of US policy in China in the letter which accompanied what is usually known as the China White paper , oblivious to the possibility that the bell was tolling for the same policy that was being reborn in Vietnam .
25 Leaving these ( and other ) theoretical generalizations aside for the moment , we turn first to the history of what is usually known as short /a/ in English , and to possible historical patterns of overlap and merger with /Ε/; and /α/.;
26 The problem concerns what is usually known as book work — the arguments laying the basis of some subject in logical terms , and developing it to a proved law or relationship .
27 There is a growing recognition that an effective response to crime and crime prevention must reach beyond the conventional boundaries of the criminal justice system , and there have already been a number of practical initiatives which either attempt to draw upon the wider resources of the community , or which rely upon what is usually known at the ‘ inter-agency ’ or ‘ multi-agency ’ approach .
28 This is achieved by what is usually known as the " ratchet " , namely characteristics built into the shares in Newco .
29 You yourself seem to have emerged into what is usually depicted , in newspaper interviews , as an ‘ idyllic ’ love affair with an American woman .
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