Example sentences of "will respond to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The complex man will respond to no single managerial strategy , but will consider its appropriateness to circumstances and his own needs .
2 A conventional computer is turned into a ‘ thinking machine ’ by programming it to behave as if it consisted of a collection of brain cells — neurons — which will respond to a stimulus .
3 This assumes that companies will respond to a weakening share price by improving efficiency in the long term , rather than by making short-term savings which might help the company 's performance in the short term ( known as short termism ) , to the detriment of long-term performance .
4 One child will respond to the idea of not hurting mummy .
5 ‘ It is only when European brands land on our doorsteps and people flock to buy them that manufacturers will respond to the competitive threat , ’ explains Halpern , ‘ because it 's a fact that British society has become complacent and insular . ’
6 We will respond to the proposals of the Howie Committee to ensure that upper secondary education matches the best in Europe .
7 Belfast Harbour Commissioners are confident that during the 1990's the Port will respond to the challenges presented by changing trading patterns within an economically unified Europe with the ability to satisfy its customers ' needs and demands for an efficient , cost effective service .
8 Although a group of children or adults may read the same text , it is likely that each person will gain a different ‘ reading ’ and will respond to the shared text in different ways .
9 These results are in line with the knowledge that not everyone will respond to the same remedy , as some individuals are more sensitive to a remedy than others for whom it is not indicated .
10 That is why the majority will respond to the threats of fragmentation and commercialisation of our health and education systems .
11 ‘ Make no mistake , we will respond to the occasion again tomorrow .
12 As time goes by children will respond to the consistency of the lesson and come to believe that this is right for them ; the lesson is internalised .
13 Most young children luckily will respond to the authority of a stranger and so the task is not as daunting as it sounds .
14 They should n't be programmed for a pattern during these exercises , in other words they would be turned off , or they too will respond to the pattern and show a different needle movement .
15 An IBM source said it would be interesting to see how Hewlett-Packard Co , currently winning the performance race over Rios with its PA 7100 chip , will respond to the announcement — what do they say about Hubris and Nemesis …
16 Your mag is the only one which would print such criticism about itself , and your mag is the only one which will respond to the criticism written about it !
17 In the absence of markets , the problem is to devise a means whereby state bureaucrats will respond to the preferences of those they are supposed to serve .
18 I will respond to the hon. Gentleman 's other point .
19 Discussants will respond to the speakers with their assessment of the implications of the work undertaken and the need for future development .
20 It should be clear that , with sufficient damping , a direct measuring system will respond to the mean level of a rectified alternating input .
21 In general , someone with food intolerance will respond to an elimination diet within a week , whereas someone with candidiasis may take much longer to respond to an anti- Candida diet — the response is also more gradual and less dramatic .
22 The other class , the Y-cells , responds transiently to steady stimuli but will respond to an edge no matter where it is located in the receptive field .
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