Example sentences of "will result in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Still , Dace believes that the recession now affecting Europe will result in no significant growth in turnover during 1993 .
2 In a six battery pod there are fourteen points of contact ( two on each cell and two more on the pod ) ; failure from any one of these will result in no power .
3 In some areas a 1% increase in spending will result in a 7 or 8% increase in bills .
4 In the midst of the dramatic events now taking place in East Germany , the demands for free elections in the GDR are usually linked with assumptions that these will result in a market economy on capitalist lines .
5 Not surprisingly , most studies expect that such policies will result in a cut in the growth of global GDP ( none expects an increase ) .
6 But an exceptional item of £11.7 million covering write-offs and redundancy costs will result in a loss of £9 million in the year to January 25 .
7 This level of autonomy will result in a changed role for the school from one of administration of policies to one of management of local resources .
8 A rise in the level of benefits relative to average income will result in a rise in the numbers on ‘ low incomes ’ .
9 When this happens , any excess demands on the heart , such as hard exercise , will result in a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle , and angina pectoris — typical cardiac pain — will result .
10 that failure to carry out individual terms of the contract will result in a fine on each occasion : an amount of X for Anne ; and Y for Avril and James Grant , respectively .
11 Also non-delivery of the goods will result in a serious financial loss .
12 However , self-governing hospitals ( NHS Trusts ) will have power to fix pay levels and few have suggested that this will result in a general fall in pay — indeed , a general increase in pay levels is anticipated in an attempt to attract scarce staff ( Maynard , 1989 ) .
13 It remains to be seen how far the structural changes will result in a ‘ cultural ’ change within the NHS .
14 Julian Driver , technical director of Vickers Laboratories , which has introduced this restriction , explained that ‘ it must be used in a reaction which will result in a non-volatile product — and there are precious few of those ’ .
15 Without going into calculations , virtually any realistic combination of antenna size and power at the feed will result in a power flux density a few metres in front of the dish of less than 10mW per square centimetre — the nationally accepted long-term human exposure level for electromagnetic radiation .
16 In addition , the DSP 715 's ‘ TBC ’ circuitry simulates the thermal behaviour of loudspeaker voice coils , monitoring their actual temperature ; any excess reading will result in a restricted voltage being fed to the speaker ( but with imperceptible loss of sound quality ) until an acceptable working temperature is regained .
17 Quick thinking on the part of the father will soon have him sprinting after the runaway , and similarly quick thinking on the part of the camera operator will result in a cut from the distant child to one of the rescuer as he sets off .
18 These proposals will result in a systematic charge to the p&l account for instruments such as deep discount bonds , and will ensure that the premium on convertible bonds incorporating a premium put option is recognised over the period from issue to the exercise date — as is , in fact , already required by UITF Abstract 1 .
19 An error , intentional or otherwise , in the amount paid on the due date ( nine months after the end of the accounting period ) will result in a 3.35% difference in the interest paid or charged .
20 Some commentators also note that many directors of small companies might well refuse to provide their auditors with the proposed statement and the supporting evidence ; if this proves to be correct , it will result in a significant increase in the number of limitation of scope qualifications .
21 The new rate will be charged on lots realising $50,000 ( £30,000 ) or less and will result in a maximum increase of £1,500 on any one item .
22 Even small reductions in contiguity , such as getting the animal to make its response on a lever next to the stimulus or putting the reinforcement dispenser in a different location , will result in a staggering loss of performance .
23 The managing director designate hopes the more flexible , made-to-measure organisation that the GmbHs could create , will result in a reduction in the cost base and a more customer-oriented approach .
24 With luck , the forthcoming election , which is to be fought under the new law , will result in a consolidation of Polish politics — and provide the parliamentary stability that is needed to support Eastern Europe 's emerging economic success .
25 We have folded unattenuated versions of the four spectral distributions through the PSPC effective areas to generate a scale factor which , when applied to the simulation , will result in a predicted output of 10 counts per second .
26 The trauma of experiencing racism is inevitable , and this experience will result in a sudden and rapid disintegration of the white mask with all the consequences that depersonalisation brings .
27 The workforce reduction and other actions will result in a one-time charge of $40m to be taken against the fourth quarter figures , but Cray expects to remain profitable for the year , and sees higher profitability as a result of the measures next year .
28 The first will result in a very high-performance processor code-named TFP , designed for technical computing .
29 Therefore an expansion of aggregate demand in the domestic economy which is not matched by comparable increases in other economies will result in a deterioration in the balance of payments .
30 This will result in a two tier system , where patients will be treated ( by non-fundholders ) or not .
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