Example sentences of "will [verb] [art] opportunity " in BNC.

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1 It may be that they will enjoy an opportunity to talk about their models afterwards , perhaps how they were made , or comparisons of materials used , but this will obviously depend upon the child .
2 The child will need the opportunity to develop a sense of competence and control in the relationship and learn how to gain pleasure from interaction with their parents .
3 If problems exist which the client sees as significant the probability is that he will welcome the opportunity to discuss them — provided the questioner is confident and has rapport .
4 I am sure that all hon. Members representing Northern Ireland constituencies will welcome the opportunity to debate the orders .
5 The final year will present the opportunity for in-depth study of a small number of specialized topics .
6 Teachers and catechists will recognise that this development is not a negative one , but rather one which , on the one hand , may indeed lead to rejection of faith , but on the other hand , will present the opportunity for an enriching and maturing faith which will lead to an adult commitment to God .
7 The individual schemes will need to be taken through the statutory planning process which will give the opportunity for further debate on the details of the route , construction standards and landscaping measures .
8 ‘ A delegated budget will give the opportunity to respond rather more accurately to perceived needs .
9 1.13 Our fundamental assumption is that all pupils are entitled to an education that will provide the opportunity for them to develop to the best of their abilities a competence in and appreciation of English .
10 The projected campaigns will provide the opportunity to study the work of little-known and undervalued artists like Niccolò Martinelli , called il Trombetta , a late Mannerist follower of the Zuccari , who executed the absidal frescoes in Santa Maria in Aracoeli : ‘ From a cultural point of view the restoration of these works will be of great importance ’ , says the Soprintendente .
11 The Profitboss will provide the opportunity by easing out Maureen Stilgoe , the ultra-conservative and inefficient corporate personnel manager .
12 This will provide the opportunity to look again at policies but will also allow for the management plan aspect to be updated .
13 Work experience will provide the opportunity for personal and social development of the student along with the underpinning of skills covered in the core and optional modules .
14 The community involvement will provide the opportunity for students to develop awareness of the needs of others and of their own skills , aptitudes and interests in relation to work within the community .
15 These modules will provide the opportunity for students to specialise in the Sciences and develop vocational competences including Lead Body Standards where these are available .
16 Janice Craig , ACC team leader , said : ‘ We will provide the opportunity to complete an essential food hygiene course . ’
17 In the middle of the series ' first run this presentation will provide an opportunity to consider how successful FAMILY PRIDE has been in launching onto the region 's and the nation 's screens the UK 's first Asian soap .
18 This course will provide an opportunity and structure to help you stand back from your present job , take stock of where you are in your life , and explore future possibilities .
19 The tour of the exhibition will provide an opportunity to talk with major producers on the latest developments in roofing materials , and there will be a technical briefing on the implications for specifiers of the introduction of CEN standards , the Construction Products Directive , quality assurance and guarantees .
20 Again a visit will provide an opportunity to experience some extraordinary trains in action .
21 The Children Act 1989 bringing disabled children into the same system as children in care , will provide an opportunity for a much needed impetus to research and to development in policies and practice concerning disabled children .
22 The director of Knossos 2000 , Dr Ken Wardle , who has many years experience of digging in Greece and who has just completed the excavation of the prehistoric settlement of Assiros Toumba in Macedonia , commenting on the importance of the project , told The Art Newspaper , ‘ Apart from the potential of the site itself , the project will provide an opportunity to focus research on the history and archaeology of Roman provincial cities in Greece , which have largely been neglected in favour of those of the Classical and Hellenistic periods ’ .
23 Attending conferences and meetings of women 's organisations or asking to address groups of boys will provide an opportunity for frank discussion which in the case of boys is very inhibited in the presence of their female counterparts .
24 This will provide an opportunity for investigating the complaints and remedying any flaws before the trial .
25 The major concern for clients in debt recovery work is reporting each stage of each case , and this report facility , linked with the information already held on computer , will provide an opportunity for reports to be prepared to clients ' specifications on any given timescale .
26 Parallel workshops on the second day will provide an opportunity to discuss in more detail the matching of user requirements in the individual technology areas .
27 This two-day event , offering a wide range of topics relating to teaching and learning , will provide an opportunity for both new and experienced academic staff to develop new ideas and skills in ‘ teaching and learning ’ .
28 This Conference will provide an opportunity for students and Student Enterprise Officers across Britain to meet and exchange ideas on Enterprise in Higher Education .
29 This will provide an opportunity for lecturers and moderators to discuss student grades and borderline cases .
30 The programme , which will be staged at the Foyle Arts Centre , Lawrence Hill , will provide an opportunity to project mental illness and mental health services in a much more positive light .
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