Example sentences of "would help [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The countries are hopeful that a commitment of substantial financial aid will take the heat out of demands by six southern African states for the resumption of controlled ivory trading , the profits of which , the southern Africans claim , would help to fund further conservation measures .
2 In addition it was felt that if regional studios were established as well as transmitters , these would be able to originate their own material for local transmission , which would help redress any cultural imbalance in programming .
3 Barnes officials say these changes would help shoulder rising costs of security , staff and conservation .
4 The vigour with which changes were imposed would help to create public confidence in his administration ; and a measure of ruthlessness would be needed to overcome the conservatism of the military establishment .
5 This would help prevent such a disaster occurring again .
6 And we would like the architecture to be as simple as possible , the idea being that such a self-effacing architecture would help lay bare the problems of speech processing .
7 Provided that there has been no reionization , measurement of microwave background fluctuations on small angular scales ( 1' ) would help to characterize nonlinear processes responsible for galaxy formation and small-scale clustering .
8 They have gone no further than to promise a ‘ modest ’ central contribution if it would help to settle all disputes .
9 Electoral reform would help to entrench this style of politics .
10 Another important aspect for me was to recognize that the health sector needed to be allied with the most significant political forces working for the kind of changes that would help ensure healthy public policy .
11 He blamed the weak links at federal level for shortcomings in the Yugoslav programme on Kosovo , but was convinced that constitutional changes would help resolve some of these problems .
12 It would help dispel unhappy memories for Whiteside who made the last of his 38 Northern Ireland appearances in a 3–0 Dublin defeat in 1989 before injury cruelly ended his career at just 26 .
13 Interest is being shown in the initiation of small local networks for members on career breaks and unemployed or retired members : 19 contacts who would help run such a network have been identified .
14 Some members of the Association hoped that English in education would help achieve such ends by addressing itself to countering linguistic perversion .
15 But next year a little rain would help make this craziest of sports a just little less risky .
16 This would help attract passing visitors to stop for a drink or meal and would visually soften the rather bleak appearance of the exterior brickwork .
17 As we saw earlier , Francis Bacon was able to turn the doctrine of the Fall to advantage : Science would help restore that dominion over nature lost to humanity through Adam 's sin .
18 Mr Patten says the new money would help meet National education and training targets and lift Britain towards the top of international league tables in staying-on rates for 16 to 19-year-olds .
19 The high speed of magnetic compared to optical media would help to disguise some of DVI 's current limitations and would also facilitate a smooth , seamless multimedia presentation .
20 Gillingham enters the Europeans ' at the peak of his form , and a performance in keeping with that would help to overcome that current image as the perennial man of tomorrow .
21 This brief review of the origins of the care programme approach suggests that it was generated by a move to establish systems which would help to prevent individual patients from ‘ falling through the net ’ of services , with the risk of manifest neglect , homelessness , inappropriate use of health and criminal justice services or even more tragic outcomes .
22 LRT said in its corporate plan published yesterday : ‘ The level of congestion on the Underground is such that unconstrained further growth in demand can not safely be accommodated , and real increases in fares would help restrain excessive growth . ’
23 I 've long since pledged my sword to any who would help rid this borough of the damned Daine .
24 She thinks that more images of Black and Asian girls in the media would help to change some of the racist ideas and stereotypes that exist .
25 He said that mandatory repatriation would help to achieve this .
26 Mr Everett , who has four children , said the award would help provide extra care for the girls .
27 The Conservatives seemed rather more favourable to the prospect of scrutiny by backbench committees , perhaps because they felt that such a challenge would help to restrain public expenditure .
28 She just felt it would help to establish some boundaries , and just then she felt they both needed space to get over the incident .
29 Recognition of that and an agreement to forego the linguistic tricks and the cheap jibes would help convince all sides that their arguments have been listened to with respect .
30 Events like that would help convince charitable trusts with thousands of pounds at their disposal that the people of Darlington are backing the appeal and they should too .
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