Example sentences of "what [pers pn] might think " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to tell her the whole story then , but he was afraid of what she might think .
2 ‘ It was n't what you might think .
3 It would n't be what you might think of as being on metre , and so you really had to listen and be real careful , because John Lee was gon na play his stuff and you better fit into it because he was n't gon na fit in with you !
4 So in this chapter you will find some pointers for looking at what you might think are everyday activities .
5 And I 'm fairly canny about my career , despite what you might think .
6 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
7 Now because the government has a , plays a much bigger role in the economy the government will be in charge of what you might think of as industrial employment so er a lot of manufacturing , heavy industry er mining so on and so forth will be run as a national as a national industry , right and er wages in that nationalized industry will not be er set at market levels but will be set at , by some institutional mechanism that wo n't reflect demand and supply or reflect the rent seeking and rent server rent preserving behaviour of civil servants and government quangos er so on and so forth but you must bear in mind that the government sector will er the public and semi public sector in developing countries is vast in comparison to er to develop the countries and as a result wages set in er in the government sector er will erm will be the driving force for all industrial employment , so what with wages and industrial employment .
8 ‘ Yes , I suppose we had better get on , although I 'd much rather stay here and hear what you 've been doing , and I would be interested , in spite of what you might think . ’
9 ‘ No , in spite of what you might think .
10 Plenty of different people cheap , er , the other people who have different likes to you , but what , what you might think 's attrac attractive , somebody else 'll
11 What we might think of as a process of deliberation and choice about our desires is , for him , simply the interplay and jostling of desires amongst themselves ; and what we call ‘ will ’ is simply the desire that wins .
12 Sometimes , moreover , experience can show that our reasoning is superficial and incorrect , as when we learn from it that , despite what we might think , an arrow fired upwards from a moving ship will not fall behind but back on to it .
13 experiment are what we might think of as optional inferences .
14 There is also evidence in favour of the view that what we might think of as pragmatic factors influence language comprehension .
15 okay I think what we might think about doing is maybe just having a meeting for an hour one evening on that one subject
16 FORGET WHAT they might think in Paris and Milan : China 's fashion commissars have decreed what is and is not stylish .
17 Worrying what they might think when they finally looked back .
18 He also believes that despite the crowd 's impatience with what they might think is play-acting , 95pc of players who get treatment on the field really do need it .
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