Example sentences of "will take [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , if it really is I will take up a collection for the medical fees .
2 Charcoal will take up a number of harmful or nuisance substances by adsorption .
3 Added together , the BBC1 and ITV election results specials will take up a mere 12–14 hours , depending on the state of play at 4am .
4 For another , with a large brain the boundaries between areas will take up a smaller proportion of those areas than in small brains .
5 Even a fifteen-minute programme will take up a considerable amount of lesson time if it is used at all flexibly , with pauses for discussion and repeat viewings of some sections .
6 Wrens Quickso in Darlington ( 352–577 ) will take up a hem from £3.60 , put in a zip from £3.75 or taper your old flares for £6 or so .
7 MORE than 50 teenagers from County Durham will take up a sporting challenge from France next week .
8 Optimists say that fast-multiplying electronic equipment rather than people will take up the space .
9 In just over two weeks , the four will take up the pins and the microphone for the benefit of Telegraph readers .
10 Premature camshaft wear , even at 26,000 miles , is not unknown and this will result in poor performance — often there will be no tell-tale noise as the hydraulic cam followers will take up the slack .
11 He will take up the £51,000 a year job as soon as possible and is expected to have to give up his chairmanship of the all-party defence select committee .
12 ‘ I suppose all the sorting out at the flat will take up the spare time for quite a while .
13 This essay will take up the theme of dominant ideologies and local communities as a part of the wider methodological problem of how we , as anthropologists , consider the nature of the relationship between the communities we study and the wider world they inhabit .
14 If there 's any subsidence later on , this make of liner will take up the strain better than Butyl , claims the makers .
15 I probably will take up the offer .
16 ‘ Once he is quite well , he will take up the reins and the business will be booming again , ’ she said out loud .
17 Roger Katz , 48 , currently manager of Dillons ' handsome new store in Kingston , will take up the management of the 14,000 sq ft Piccadilly store on 5th January .
18 The willingness of AIS to listen to Skymaster users about the direction of the service is welcome , and one hopes that the customers will take up the challenge .
19 Perhaps one of the Aquatic Societies will take up the challenge .
20 The chairman will take up the matter with the local councillors .
21 I will take up the latter point both in my Department and with my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary .
22 Secondly , two in-depth case studies ( probably of Birmingham and Manchester ) will take up the central question of why some women 's initiatives are effective while others , with initially similar aims are not .
23 He will take up the duties of Counsellor , Atomic Energy , on August 17 and succeeds Chris Loughlin , who has been appointed Director , Transport Division , from September 1
24 Mr Wright , 42 , who will take up the post in September , is currently finance chief at Wessex regional health authority .
25 DONALD PETRIE ( Clydeside ) will take up the post of Scottish development and administrative officer next month .
26 NAREA hopes SSDs and health authorities will take up the charter and incorporate it into working practices .
27 Metallurgical coal is the major export commodity but thermal coal exports will take up an increasingly large proportion as the huge coal resources in Alberta are developed .
28 Manchester at first lost out very badly on rail investment , but now it has some compensation in the Windsor Link and is going ahead with an advanced tram system that will take over a number of heavy rail routes .
29 If the Secretary of State accepts an agreement between all the parties at the Inquiry last May , the IHM will take over an additional eight acres of Weston Airport , including the original 1936 control tower along with other building which will provide the space for expansion and improvement of the facilities already on offer at the Museum 's present four acre site .
30 This will take over the running of Channel 4 at the beginning of 1993 .
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